I have trouble thinking of what to plan for our family meals on a weekly basis. We tend to pick the same things over and over again. Even though we occasionally enjoy cooking interesting meals, I forget about those and rely the easy choices when pressed for time.
- I can enter an existing meal plan into a form.
- a meal plan is a collection of dates with associated entrees/sides/desserts.
- Entree / Side / Dessert
- When I choose an auto-suggested item it appears in the list.
- When i choose to create one, a form opens which allows:
- item type (entree/dessert/side)
- URL (to recipe?)
- prep text, prep reminder date
- save
- I can be reminded of today's meal.
- I can be reminded of a prep necessary for tomorrow's meal (i.e. soak the beans, make the dough).
- I can see a list of meals and sort by frequency or popularity.
- I can rate a meal.
- I see auto-suggestions of entrees/sides/desserts when entering them into a meal plan.
start day
end day
has many MealPlanEntry
belongs to Meal
belongs to MealPlan
has many MealPlanEntry
has many MealItem
belongs to Meal
belongs to Item
has many MealItem
enum entree, side, dessert
recipe text
prep text
prep offset time