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ZipTrack analyses traces of concurrent programs, compressed as SLPs (straight line programs) and checks if there is a data race.
It is based on Data Race Detection On Compressed Traces, Kini et al, FSE 2018. The original artifact submitted for ZipTrack can be found here. A link to the original traces used can be found in the artifact.

ZipTrack performs two analyses :

1. HB race detection
2. LockSet violation detection

ZipTrack is written in Java. The following classes let you perform different analyses:

1. `` - for HB race detection on compressed traces
2. `` - for detecting violations of lockset discipline on compressed traces
3. `` - for printing trace characteristics.
4. `` - for transforming an SLP S into another SLP S' with more production rules that have terminal symbols only.
5. `` - Convert an execution trace generated by RVPredict into a readable format.  
**Update** - ZipTrack now supports two other formats - [STD]( and [RoadRunner's trace format](


In order to use ZipTrack, you need traces. We use RVPredict's logger functionality for this.
We then compress these traces as SLPs, using Sequitur. These compressed traces can then be analyzed by ZipTrack.

Updates -

  • RVPredict's support is deprecated. If still interested, you should use this version of RVPredict for logging traces. If this version does not work, your best bet is to download the latest version from RVPredict's website.
  • Recently, we also added support for using RoadRunner's logging functionality. See here for help on how to generate RoadRunner logs.
  • We have also added support for manually written traces in the STD (Standard) format described here. This is a simple format and one can handcraft traces in this format for testing purposes.

Generating traces:

  1. Download and install RVPredict. Download this version of RVPredict and if it does not work, use the latest version from the website.
  2. Run the logger :
java -jar /path/to/rv-predict.jar  --log  --base-log-dir /path/to/base_folder --log-dirname sub_folder <java_class_to_be_analyzed>

This command creates binary log files in /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder.

Update - You can now generate traces using RoadRunner. See here for instructions.
Additionally, you can also write your own traces in the more readable STD format described here.

Compiling ZipTrack

Use the build file :

cd /path/to/ziptrack
ant jar

Compressing traces:

  1. First convert the bin files into a readable format.
  • When using RVPRedict traces, run the following command:
java -classpath /path/to/ziptrack/lib/*:/path/to/ziptrack/ziptrack.jar PrintTrace -p=/path/to/base_folder/sub_folder -f=rv -m=/path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/map.txt > /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/trace.txt 

This command creates two files: /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/trace.txt and /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/map.shared.txt

  • When using RoadRunner traces, run the following command:
java -classpath /path/to/ziptrack/lib/*:/path/to/ziptrack/ziptrack.jar PrintTrace -p=/path/to/input_trace_file.rr -f=rr -m=/path/to/map.txt > /path/to/trace.txt 

This command creates two files: /path/to/trace.txt and /path/to/map.txt

  • When using traces in STD format, run the following command:
java -classpath /path/to/ziptrack/lib/*:/path/to/ziptrack/ziptrack.jar PrintTrace -p=/path/to/input_trace_file.std -f=std -m=/path/to/map.txt > /path/to/trace.txt 

This command creates two files: /path/to/trace.txt and /path/to/map.txt

  1. Use Sequitur to compress trace.txt. For this, first compile Sequitur. ZipTrack comes with a copy of Sequitur (forked from here).
cd /path/to/ziptrack/sequitur/c++
/path/to/ziptrack/sequitur/c++/sequitur -d -p -m 2000 < /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/trace.txt > /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp.txt

This command creates the SLP in the file /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp.txt.

Run ZipTrack

  1. [Optional] First transform the grammar:
java -Xmx10000m -Xms10000m -classpath /path/to/ziptrack/ziptrack.jar:/path/to/ziptrack/lib/* TransformGrammar -m /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/map.shared.txt -t /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp.txt  -s > /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp_new.txt
## Replace the old SLP :
cp /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp.txt /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp_old.txt
cp /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp_new.txt /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp.txt 
  1. Run ZipHB :
java -Xmx10000m -Xms10000m -classpath /path/to/ziptrack/ziptrack.jar:/path/to/ziptrack/lib/* ZipHB -m /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/map.shared.txt -t /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp.txt  -s 
  1. Run ZipLockSet :
java -Xmx10000m -Xms10000m -classpath /path/to/ziptrack/ziptrack.jar:/path/to/ziptrack/lib/* ZipLockSet -m /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/map.shared.txt -t /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp.txt  -s 
  1. Run ZipMetaInfo :
java -Xmx10000m -Xms10000m -classpath /path/to/ziptrack/ziptrack.jar:/path/to/ziptrack/lib/* ZipMetaInfo -m /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/map.shared.txt -t /path/to/base_folder/sub_folder/slp.txt

Run analyses on Uncompressed traces

We will use RAPID for this.

First, clone RAPID and run ant jar in RAPID's directory. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Run Djit+ VC algorithm :
java -Xmx10000m -Xms10000m -classpath /path/to/rapid/rapid.jar:/path/to/rapid/lib/* HB -p=/path/to/base_folder/sub_folder -f=rv -s
  1. Run FastTrack VC algorithm :
java -Xmx10000m -Xms10000m -classpath /path/to/rapid/rapid.jar:/path/to/rapid/lib/* HBEpoch -p=/path/to/base_folder/sub_folder -f=rv -s
  1. Run Goldilocks algorithm :
java -Xmx10000m -Xms10000m -classpath /path/to/rapid/rapid.jar:/path/to/rapid/lib/* Goldilocks -p=/path/to/base_folder/sub_folder -f=rv -s
  1. Run Lockset algorithm :
java -Xmx10000m -Xms10000m -classpath /path/to/rapid/rapid.jar:/path/to/rapid/lib/* LockSet -p=/path/to/base_folder/sub_folder -f=rv -s