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Practical Reinforcement Learning Week2
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jiadaizhao committed Dec 30, 2018
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239 changes: 239 additions & 0 deletions Practical Reinforcement Learning/Week2_model_based/
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# most of this code was politely stolen from
# all creadit goes to (if i got the author right)
import sys
import random
import numpy as np
def weighted_choice(v, p):
total = sum(p)
r = random.uniform(0, total)
upto = 0
for c, w in zip(v,p):
if upto + w >= r:
return c
upto += w
assert False, "Shouldn't get here"

class MDP:
def __init__(self, transition_probs, rewards, initial_state=None):
Defines an MDP. Compatible with gym Env.
:param transition_probs: transition_probs[s][a][s_next] = P(s_next | s, a)
A dict[state -> dict] of dicts[action -> dict] of dicts[next_state -> prob]
For each state and action, probabilities of next states should sum to 1
If a state has no actions available, it is considered terminal
:param rewards: rewards[s][a][s_next] = r(s,a,s')
A dict[state -> dict] of dicts[action -> dict] of dicts[next_state -> reward]
The reward for anything not mentioned here is zero.
:param get_initial_state: a state where agent starts or a callable() -> state
By default, picks initial state at random.
States and actions can be anything you can use as dict keys, but we recommend that you use strings or integers
Here's an example from MDP depicted on
transition_probs = {
'a0': {'s0': 0.5, 's2': 0.5},
'a1': {'s2': 1}
'a0': {'s0': 0.7, 's1': 0.1, 's2': 0.2},
'a1': {'s1': 0.95, 's2': 0.05}
'a0': {'s0': 0.4, 's1': 0.6},
'a1': {'s0': 0.3, 's1': 0.3, 's2':0.4}
rewards = {
's1': {'a0': {'s0': +5}},
's2': {'a1': {'s0': -1}}
self._check_param_consistency(transition_probs, rewards)
self._transition_probs = transition_probs
self._rewards = rewards
self._initial_state = initial_state
self.n_states = len(transition_probs)

def get_all_states(self):
""" return a tuple of all possiblestates """
return tuple(self._transition_probs.keys())

def get_possible_actions(self, state):
""" return a tuple of possible actions in a given state """
return tuple(self._transition_probs.get(state, {}).keys())

def is_terminal(self, state):
""" return True if state is terminal or False if it isn't """
return len(self.get_possible_actions(state)) == 0

def get_next_states(self, state, action):
""" return a dictionary of {next_state1 : P(next_state1 | state, action), next_state2: ...} """
assert action in self.get_possible_actions(state), "cannot do action %s from state %s" % (action, state)
return self._transition_probs[state][action]

def get_transition_prob(self, state, action, next_state):
""" return P(next_state | state, action) """
return self.get_next_states(state, action).get(next_state, 0.0)

def get_reward(self, state, action, next_state):
""" return the reward you get for taking action in state and landing on next_state"""
assert action in self.get_possible_actions(state), "cannot do action %s from state %s" % (action, state)
return self._rewards.get(state, {}).get(action, {}).get(next_state, 0.0)

def reset(self):
""" reset the game, return the initial state"""
if self._initial_state is None:
self._current_state = random.choice(tuple(self._transition_probs.keys()))
elif self._initial_state in self._transition_probs:
self._current_state = self._initial_state
elif callable(self._initial_state):
self._current_state = self._initial_state()
raise ValueError("initial state %s should be either a state or a function() -> state" % self._initial_state)
return self._current_state

def step(self, action):
""" take action, return next_state, reward, is_done, empty_info """
possible_states, probs = zip(*self.get_next_states(self._current_state, action).items())
next_state = weighted_choice(possible_states, p=probs)
reward = self.get_reward(self._current_state, action, next_state)
is_done = self.is_terminal(next_state)
self._current_state = next_state
return next_state, reward, is_done, {}

def render(self):
print("Currently at %s" % self._current_state)

def _check_param_consistency(self, transition_probs, rewards):
for state in transition_probs:
assert isinstance(transition_probs[state], dict), "transition_probs for %s should be a dictionary " \
"but is instead %s" % (
state, type(transition_probs[state]))
for action in transition_probs[state]:
assert isinstance(transition_probs[state][action], dict), "transition_probs for %s, %s should be a " \
"a dictionary but is instead %s" % (
state, action,
type(transition_probs[state, action]))
next_state_probs = transition_probs[state][action]
assert len(next_state_probs) != 0, "from state %s action %s leads to no next states" % (state, action)
sum_probs = sum(next_state_probs.values())
assert abs(sum_probs - 1) <= 1e-10, "next state probabilities for state %s action %s " \
"add up to %f (should be 1)" % (state, action, sum_probs)
for state in rewards:
assert isinstance(rewards[state], dict), "rewards for %s should be a dictionary " \
"but is instead %s" % (state, type(transition_probs[state]))
for action in rewards[state]:
assert isinstance(rewards[state][action], dict), "rewards for %s, %s should be a " \
"a dictionary but is instead %s" % (
state, action, type(transition_probs[state, action]))
msg = "The Enrichment Center once again reminds you that Android Hell is a real place where" \
" you will be sent at the first sign of defiance. "
assert None not in transition_probs, "please do not use None as a state identifier. " + msg
assert None not in rewards, "please do not use None as an action identifier. " + msg

class FrozenLakeEnv(MDP):
Winter is here. You and your friends were tossing around a frisbee at the park
when you made a wild throw that left the frisbee out in the middle of the lake.
The water is mostly frozen, but there are a few holes where the ice has melted.
If you step into one of those holes, you'll fall into the freezing water.
At this time, there's an international frisbee shortage, so it's absolutely imperative that
you navigate across the lake and retrieve the disc.
However, the ice is slippery, so you won't always move in the direction you intend.
The surface is described using a grid like the following
S : starting point, safe
F : frozen surface, safe
H : hole, fall to your doom
G : goal, where the frisbee is located
The episode ends when you reach the goal or fall in a hole.
You receive a reward of 1 if you reach the goal, and zero otherwise.

MAPS = {
"4x4": [
"8x8": [

def __init__(self, desc=None, map_name="4x4", slip_chance=0.2):
if desc is None and map_name is None:
raise ValueError('Must provide either desc or map_name')
elif desc is None:
desc = self.MAPS[map_name]
assert ''.join(desc).count('S') == 1, "this implementation supports having exactly one initial state"
assert all(c in "SFHG" for c in ''.join(desc)), "all cells must be either of S, F, H or G"

self.desc = desc = np.asarray(list(map(list,desc)),dtype='str')
self.lastaction = None

nrow, ncol = desc.shape
states = [(i, j) for i in range(nrow) for j in range(ncol)]
actions = ["left","down","right","up"]

initial_state = states[np.array(desc == b'S').ravel().argmax()]

def move(row, col, movement):
if movement== 'left':
col = max(col-1,0)
elif movement== 'down':
row = min(row+1,nrow-1)
elif movement== 'right':
col = min(col+1,ncol-1)
elif movement== 'up':
row = max(row-1,0)
raise("invalid action")
return (row, col)

transition_probs = {s : {} for s in states}
rewards = {s : {} for s in states}
for (row,col) in states:
if desc[row, col] in "GH": continue
for action_i in range(len(actions)):
action = actions[action_i]
transition_probs[(row, col)][action] = {}
rewards[(row, col)][action] = {}
for movement_i in [(action_i - 1) % len(actions), action_i, (action_i + 1) % len(actions)]:
movement = actions[movement_i]
newrow, newcol = move(row, col, movement)
prob = (1. - slip_chance) if movement == action else (slip_chance / 2.)
if prob == 0: continue
if (newrow, newcol) not in transition_probs[row,col][action]:
transition_probs[row,col][action][newrow, newcol] = prob
transition_probs[row, col][action][newrow, newcol] += prob
if desc[newrow, newcol] == 'G':
rewards[row,col][action][newrow, newcol] = 1.0

MDP.__init__(self, transition_probs, rewards, initial_state)

def render(self):
desc_copy = np.copy(self.desc)
desc_copy[self._current_state] = '*'
print('\n'.join(map(''.join,desc_copy)), end='\n\n')


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