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EOS Testnet Docker Image

Docker image which bootstraps a custom EOS testnet node.

Environment variables

Docker image makes use of these environment variables:

  • EOS_PUBLIC_KEY - public key for eosio account, defaults to EOS8VhvYTcUMwp9jFD8UWRMPgWsGQoqBfpBvrjjfMCouqRH9JF5qW,
  • EOS_PRIVATE_KEY - private key for eosio account, defaults to 5JeaxignXEg3mGwvgmwxG6w6wHcRp9ooPw81KjrP2ah6TWSECDN,
  • EOS_TEST_ACCOUNT - account name for test account, defaults to eostest12345. Test account is initialized with balance of 50000000000.0000 EOS. There is 9000000000.0000 EOS staked on both CPU and NET. Account has 8192 KB of RAM


Script for debugging eosio.system contract deployment timeout issue. It will try to bring up EOS testnet and count how many attempts it took for the system contract to be successfully deployed. I placed an arbitrary limit of 10 retries before killing the container. In my experience, if 10 attempts aren't enough, any further ones won't make any difference and container must be killed. This limit can be overriden by setting RETRY_LIMIT env variable. takes 1 argument which is sample size, defaults to 100.

$ ./ 500 1> eosio.csv

Script which tries to workaround the issue with contract deployment by retrying the process until it succeeds. You can use it to bootstrap the testnet.

$ ./