- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +7 960 134 62 99
- GitHub: https://github.com/ukxxx
A highly motivated junior Python developer with experience in building software applications. I am constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to expand my knowledge and experience.
- Python
- Git
- *nix
- Docker
- Agile methodologies
- Project 1: A Telegram bot written in Python for remote monitoring and control of a Strongswan server, using ssh and some bash commands.
- Project 2: A script written in Python to parsing news headlines from the official russian government newspaper "Rossiyskaya gazeta" website to further process and find trends in rhetoric as the destructive situation in which russia has fallen by starting an illegitimate war unfolds.
- Project 3: A script written in Python to automatically convert the range of web addresses on the Russian segment of the Internet into a bat file format for set up routing in Windows to automate blocking circumvention.
- Bachelor's degree in Engeneering
- Course "Python development from scratch"
- In progress: Netology course "Python development from scratch"
- To live in open world without wars
- Open source contributions
- Learning programming languages
- Pentesting