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Rich featured HttpClient for nestjs applications

  • Got integration for nestjs;
  • Retries and all Got functions out of the box
  • Transparent Got usage (you will work with Got interface)
  • Accept external Tracing Service via DI for attaching specific http-headers across your microservice architecture;
  • Modularity - create instances for your modules with different configurations;
  • Default keep-alive http/https agent.


  1. @nestjs/common ^7.2.0
  2. @nestjs/core ^7.2.0


npm install --save @ukitgroup/nestjs-http


yarn add @ukitgroup/nestjs-http

Short example


export class CatService {
  constructor(@Inject(HttpClientService) private readonly httpClient: Got) {}

  meow(): string {
    // httpClient is an instance of Got
    // configuration from AppModule and CatModule
    // set built-in headers'/meow');
    return `meows..`;


  imports: [
      imports: [YourConfigModule],
      providers: [
          // override got configuration
          inject: [YourConfig],
          useFactory: config => {
            return {
              retry: config.retry,
  providers: [CatService],
export class CatModule {}


  imports: [HttpClient.forRoot({}), CatModule],
export class AppModule {}


Define root configuration for Got in AppModule with:

HttpClient.forRoot(options: HttpClientForRootType)
HttpClientForRootType: {
  imports?: [],
  providers?: [],

Provide configuration with tokens:

  • HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG - ServiceConfigType for HttpClientService
  • TRACE_DATA_SERVICE - should implements TraceDataServiceInterface
  • GOT_CONFIG - got configuration

Provided configuration will be merged: defaultConfig -> forRoot() -> forInstance() -> execution

default config for httpService:

const defaultConfig = {
  enableTraceService: false,
  headersMap: {
    traceId: 'x-trace-id',
    ip: 'x-real-ip',
    userAgent: 'user-agent',
    referrer: 'referrer',
  excludeHeaders: [],

default config for got extends default config from got documentation

const defaultConfig = {
  agent: {
    http: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }),
    https: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true }),

Define instance configuration, trace service and http client service config in your module with:

HttpClient.forInstance(options: HttpClientForRootType)

Trace service injection

Usually you pass some headers across your microservices such as: trace-id, ip, user-agent etc. To make it convenient you can inject traceService via dependency injection and HTTPClient will pass this data with headers

You just have to implement TraceServiceInterface:

export interface TraceDataServiceInterface {
  getRequestData(): TraceDataType;

// and TraceDataType
export type TraceDataType = {
  [key: string]: string;

Headers mapping to values:

const headersMap = {
  traceId: 'x-trace-id',
  ip: 'x-real-ip',
  userAgent: 'user-agent',
  referrer: 'referrer',

Sou you can just define your service which should return these fields. For example, you can use cls-hooked for retrieving request data

export class TraceService implements TraceDataServiceInterface {
  getRequestData() {
    return {
      traceId: 'unique-id',
      ip: '',

And then just define configuration:

  imports: [
      providers: [
          provide: HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG,
          useValue: {
            enableTraceService: true,
        { provide: TRACE_DATA_SERVICE, useClass: TraceService },
class AwesomeModule {}


  • Injection of MetricService for exports requests metrics such as: statuses, errors, retries, timing
  • Client balancing for servers with several ips or endpoints in different AZ which don't support server's LB.
  • ... Feature/Pull requests are welcome!😅


@ukitgroup/nestjs-http is MIT licensed.