This package aims to extract discrete smoking information from clinical narrative text.
- pack per day (PPD)
- pack-year (PY)
- smoking year (SY)
- quit year – e.g., quit for 10 years (QY)
- year at quit – e.g., quit at 2008 (YQ)
A directory containing your individual clinical notes in .txt format. Each file will produce one output file in .ann format.
A .csv file with no header expected to contain the following information:
- patient ID
- note ID
- note date
- note type
- note text
The output file will be a .csv of the same format, with added fields for each category. If no value for a given category was obtained, the corresponding cell will be left blank.
Depending on your file input strategy, please run either of the following commands:
python directory/containing/notes/
python path/to/your/file.csv