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fqjony committed Dec 27, 2024
1 parent 57e99df commit 8f6b209
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Showing 7 changed files with 127 additions and 94 deletions.
45 changes: 14 additions & 31 deletions Dockerfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,12 +36,16 @@ RUN apt-get update && \
vim=2:9.1.0016-1ubuntu7.5 \
python3.12=3.12.3-1ubuntu0.3 \
python3-pip=24.0+dfsg-1ubuntu1.1 \
systemd=255.4-1ubuntu8.4 && \
ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && \
dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata && \
supervisor=4.2.5-1ubuntu0.1 && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

# Configure the timezone
RUN echo $TZ > /etc/timezone && \
rm /etc/localtime && \
ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && \
dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata

# Install yq (architecture-aware)
RUN ARCH=$(uname -m) && \
if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then ARCH="amd64"; elif [ "$ARCH" = "aarch64" ]; then ARCH="arm64"; fi && \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,38 +98,17 @@ RUN ARCH=$(uname -m) && \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bw && \
rm -rf /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

# Prepare the system for systemd usage
RUN find /etc/systemd/system \
/lib/systemd/system \
-path '*.wants/*' \
-not -name '*journald*' \
-delete; \
systemctl set-default; \
systemctl mask \
tmp.mount \
etc-hostname.mount \
etc-hosts.mount \
etc-resolv.conf.mount \
-- -.mount \ \ \
getty-static.service \
dev-mqueue.mount \
cgproxy.service \
systemd-remount-fs.service \
sys-kernel-config.mount \
sys-kernel-debug.mount \
sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount \
systemd-logind.service \
systemd-random-seed.service \
systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service \
systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service \

# Create a new user and group with specific UID and GID, and set permissions
RUN groupadd -g ${GID} ${USER} && \
useradd -l -m -u ${UID} -g ${GID} -s /bin/bash ${USER}

# Create the Supervisor log directory and set permissions
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor && \
chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /var/log/supervisor

# Create a directory for Supervisor runtime files
RUN mkdir -p /var/run/supervisor && chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /var/run/supervisor

# Prepare directories for the user and worker configuration
RUN mkdir -p /etc/worker /home/${USER}/.cd/bin /home/${USER}/.cd/configs && \
touch /home/${USER}/.cd/configs/merged_worker.yml && \
Expand Down
10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions etc/home/default.service

This file was deleted.

26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions etc/home/supervisor.default
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
logfile=/var/log/supervisor/supervisord.log ; Logfile path
logfile_maxbytes=50MB ; Maximum log file bytes before rotating
logfile_backups=10 ; Number of backups to keep
loglevel=info ; Log level (info, debug, warn, trace)
pidfile=/var/run/supervisor/ ; Location of the PID file
nodaemon=false ; Run in the foreground (Docker best practice)
minfds=1024 ; Minimum number of file descriptors
minprocs=200 ; Minimum number of processes

serverurl=unix:///var/run/supervisor/supervisord.sock ; Path to the UNIX socket for supervisorctl to connect to supervisord

file=/var/run/supervisor/supervisord.sock ; path to your socket file

supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface

command=${command} ; Command to start the process
autostart=${autostart} ; Whether to start the process at supervisord start
autorestart=${autorestart} ; Whether to restart the process on exit
stderr_logfile=${stderr_logfile} ; Path for stderr logfile
stdout_logfile=${stdout_logfile} ; Path for stdout logfile
environment=${envs} ; Environment variables
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -90,12 +90,14 @@ configure_environment() {

# Perform process manager setup
log_info "Setting up process manager..."
if ! generate_and_activate_services; then
log_error "Failed to activate services."
return 1
if should_generate_config; then
echo "Generating Supervisor configurations..."
echo "No services found in $CONFIG_FILE. Skipping Supervisor configuration."

log_info "Environment setup completed successfully."
log_info "Secure environment setup completed successfully."

# Call the main function
Expand Down
97 changes: 56 additions & 41 deletions lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,66 +1,81 @@

# Function to check if systemd should be enabled
should_enable_systemd() {
if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]; then
# Define paths

# Function to check for service configurations
should_generate_config() {
if [ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ] && [ "$(yq e '.services | length' "$CONFIG_FILE")" -gt 0 ]; then
return 0
return 1

# Function to parse service information from YAML configuration
# Helper function to parse and process each service configuration
parse_service_info() {
local service_yaml="$1"
name=$(echo "$service_yaml" | jq -r '.name' -)
exec_start=$(echo "$service_yaml" | jq -r '.exec_start' -)
after=$(echo "$service_yaml" | jq -r '.after' -)
local service_json="$1"
local name=$(echo "$service_json" | jq -r '.name')
local command=$(echo "$service_json" | jq -r '.command')
local autostart=$(echo "$service_json" | jq -r '.autostart // "false"')
local autorestart=$(echo "$service_json" | jq -r '.autorestart // "false"')
local stderr_logfile=$(echo "$service_json" | jq -r '.stderr_logfile // ""')
local stdout_logfile=$(echo "$service_json" | jq -r '.stdout_logfile // ""')
local environment=$(echo "$service_json" | jq -r '.environment // [] | join(",")')

# For each service, replace placeholders and append to FINAL_CONFIG
sed "s|\${process_name}|$name|g; \
s|\${command}|$command|g; \
s|\${autostart}|$autostart|g; \
s|\${autorestart}|$autorestart|g; \
s|\${stderr_logfile}|$stderr_logfile|g; \
s|\${stdout_logfile}|$stdout_logfile|g; \
s|\${envs}|$environment|g" "$TEMPLATE_FILE" >> "$FINAL_CONFIG"

# Function to create a systemd service file from a template
create_service_file() {
local template_file="$SERVICE_DIR/default.service"
sed -e "s|\${name}|$name|g" \
-e "s|\${exec_start}|$exec_start|g" \
-e "s|\${after}|$after|g" \
"$template_file" > "${SERVICE_DIR}/${name}.service"
# Function to start Supervisor with the generated configuration
start_supervisor() {
echo "Starting Supervisor with the generated configuration..."
supervisord -c "$FINAL_CONFIG"

# Main function to generate systemd service unit files from template based on services.yml
generate_and_activate_services() {
if ! should_enable_systemd; then
echo "Systemd is not enabled. services.yml not found."
# Function to configure and start the Supervisor
configure_and_execute_services() {
if ! should_generate_config; then
echo "No services found in $CONFIG_FILE. Skipping Supervisor configuration."
return 1

echo "services.yml found. Generating and managing systemd service files..."
# Copy the base Supervisor configuration.

# Remove the template [program:x] section from FINAL_CONFIG
sed -i '/\[program:\${process_name}\]/,/^$/d' "$FINAL_CONFIG"

# Convert services to JSON and process each.
local services_yaml
services_yaml=$(yq eval -o=json '.services[]' "$CONFIG_FILE" | jq -c .)

# Use a temporary file to avoid a subshell
services_yaml=$(yq e -o=json '.services[]' "$CONFIG_FILE" | jq -c .)

if [ -z "$services_yaml" ]; then
echo "Failed to parse services from $CONFIG_FILE or no services defined."
return 1

# Use a temporary file to avoid subshell issues
local services_file

echo "$services_yaml" > "$services_file"

# Read all lines into an array, then delete the file
mapfile -t services_array < "$services_file"
rm -f "$services_file"

# Process each service in the array
for service_yaml in "${services_array[@]}"; do
parse_service_info "$service_yaml"

if [[ -n "$name" && -n "$exec_start" && -n "$after" ]]; then
create_service_file || { echo "Failed to create service file for $name"; return 1; }
echo "Service file for $name created."
echo "Missing required service fields for a service in services.yml"
return 1
for service_json in "${services_array[@]}"; do
parse_service_info "$service_json"

# Variables (these should be defined or passed to the script)

# After generating the config and processing services, start Supervisor
19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions src/configs/services.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,19 @@
kind: workerService
- name: "myservice1"
exec_start: "/usr/local/scripts/"
after: ""
- name: "webapp"
command: "sh /usr/local/scripts/"
autostart: "true"
autorestart: "false"
stderr_logfile: "/var/log/supervisor/webapp.err.log"
stdout_logfile: "/var/log/supervisor/webapp.out.log"
- "KEY1=value1"
- "KEY2=value2"
# - name: "another_service"

Check warning on line 14 in src/configs/services.yml

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Analyze YAML Files

14:3 [comments-indentation] comment not indented like content
# command: "python"
# autostart: "true"
# autorestart: "true"
# stderr_logfile: "/var/log/another_service.err.log"
# stdout_logfile: "/var/log/another_service.out.log"
# environment: [] # Even if empty, define it as an empty array
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions src/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,12 @@

# Script to run as a systemd service in a loop

while true; do
# echo "Service is running at $(date)" >> /tmp/service_example.log
echo "Service is running at $(date)"
sleep 5
end_time=$(($(date +%s) + 30)) # Calculate end_time as current epoch time plus 30 seconds.

while [ $(date +%s) -lt $end_time ]; do
echo "Service is running at $(date)"
sleep 5

echo "30 seconds have elapsed. Exiting now."
exit 0 # Clean exit with status 0, indicating success.

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