In this exercise, we'll practice editing the same file in a small groups. Here are your instructions:
- As a group in zoom decide which issue (from 1 to 5) each of you will take.
- Individually, create an issue and assign that issue to yourself on github.
- Create a branch where you will make your changes.
- After making the change, open a pull request.
- Return to your group and review the pull requests of your teammates and merge the pull requests.
- View the final markdown on github!
For your issue, add your name and embed the image using the syntax 
replacing "image_url" with the appropriate url. When done you should see the image in place of "ADD IMAGE HERE. URL is ..."
My name is Jonathan Wong and I've added this awesome image about data cleaning!
My name is Jonathan Wong. Let me tell you how I feel about hypothesis testing:
My name is Harper Klauke. I've got thoguhts on skewed data.
My name is Harleen Kaur. There's a lot of debate about which programming langauges are the most important to learn. Here's what I think.
My name is Nicholas Alexander. When I don't comment my code I pay the price!
As a group, find (or create) a better statistics meme and display it here.