Chemical structure editor and molecular data file import plugin for the Atto HTML Editor.
A chemistry molecule or spectrum can be inserted into a text area and rendered with the ChemRender filter using either the JSmol or the ChemDoodle library.
Specific display options are available for .mol, .jdx, and .pdb file types.
- Designed to run on Moodle 2.7.
- Atto HTML editor.
- Requires the ChemRender filter, which can be downloaded from the following location:
Download the files for this plugin
- Direct download
- GIT:
- Copy the 'chemrender' folder to the lib/editor/atto/plugins folder of your Moodle installation to give lib/editor/atto/plugins/chemrender
- Git repository clone
- Navigate to the lib/editor/atto/plugins directory of your Moodle installation.
- Issue the command: git clone chemrender
- Direct download
Enable the ChemRender Atto editor button by either method:
- If using forced plugin settings: In the config.php, add 'chemrender' to the Atto editor toolbar variable $CFG->forced_plugin_settings['editor_atto']['toolbar']
- Add 'chemrender' to Site administration > Plugins > Text editors > Atto HTML editor > Atto toolbar settings
insert = chemrender, equation, charmap, clear, pastespecial