Hyperledger Composer Form is a form generator for Hyperledger composer.
The Hyperledger Composer modelling language is used by both Hyperledger Composer and Accord Project Cicero as an object-oriented data description (schema) language, based on a textual domain-specific language. Both communities would benefit from improved tooling for the modelling language, including the ability to generate UML style diagrams and web-forms from class descriptions described using the Hyperledger Composer modelling language.
A web-form generated from model types would allow transactions to be submitted (or assets/participants created) by filling out a web-form, as opposed to submitting JSON formatted text, easing ease of use and guiding the user. The web form generator dynamically creates form elements based on a root type from a Hyperledger Composer model. Some simplifying assumptions are made to solve the issue of data-binding from arbitrarily complex object models to web forms. The generated web form generator is an embeddable, modular, component that can be easily embedded in web-based tools, such as Hyperledger Composer Playground, or similar.
Three packages:
package does the work andreact-app
use the form generated bymain
Each package has it's own
Modeling Language | Hyperledger Composer: https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/reference/cto_language.html GitHub - accordproject/cicero: Open Source implementation of Accord Protocol Template Specification: https://github.com/accordproject/cicero Hyperledger Composer: https://composer-playground.mybluemix.net
Web-form Generator: A functional dynamic web component, that generates a web-form based on the fully-qualified name of a type from a Hyperledger Composer Model. A sample web application that shows the dynamic web component in action.
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Suggested reading list is:
If you have a question on using Hyperledger Composer
- Rocket.Chat discussion channels
- Stack Overflow, where the question should be tagged with 'hyperledger-composer'.
If you have found a defect or want to raise a feature requests
- All tracked on GitHub - please read how to raise
If you want to contribute to the develop of Hyperledger Composer
- Come introduce yourself on the contributors RocketChat channel
- Please read the contributing guide
Hyperledger Project source code files are made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0), located in the LICENSE file. Hyperledger Project documentation files are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY-4.0), available at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.