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Winter 2019 Upgrade

Past due by about 5 years 56% complete

Over this Winter, we have multiple Projects to take-up so can become more capable. Each of the sections (list below) pertains to one of the Projects. While the original autobot was built without tests, as @ionlights is an atrocious developer (and doesn't wanna hurt his own feelings), we will be building tests to...

  1. Determine that autobot acts as expected.

Over this Winter, we have multiple Projects to take-up so can become more capable. Each of the sections (list below) pertains to one of the Projects. While the original autobot was built without tests, as @ionlights is an atrocious developer (and doesn't wanna hurt his own feelings), we will be building tests to...

  1. Determine that autobot acts as expected.
  2. Ensure we're less likely to break already functioning parts of autobot as we make upgrades.

Guidelines for Projects:

  • Each should have a small team (3-4 developers), working on various components.
  • Ideally, we can each take up a SubProject.

Guidelines for SubProjects:

  • Each of these should have 1-2 developers.
  • None of the tasks should be considered 🚀done until the following have been completed:
    • Features are developed (Clearly. 😅)
    • Code has been reviewed by someone else
    • QA (that is, tests) have been designed, developed, and submitted
    • Code, inherently, must pass the tests mentioned above