Using vcu118, plugin EagleX board to the 400 pin FMC connector (the narrower one).
Provide 0.8V power to the chip through the Banananana connector. Chip should draw ~0.3 A current when running.
Provide 100 MHz clock through the clock generator. The clock mapping is as below:
CLKSEL[0] | CLKSEL[1] | Clock |
0 | 0 | using PLL |
1 | 0 | using 1.8V single ended CCLK0 (on PCB the silkscreen is CCLK2) |
0 | 1 | using 1.8V single ended CCLK1 (on PCB the silkscreen is CCLK1) |
1 | 1 | using 1.8V single ended FMC clock CCLK2 |
the original linux thing does not support UART passthrough, so here we are not using the RISC-V soft core on FPGA. Instead, the bitstream is a simple passthrough, which redirects the JTAG and UART signals from the DUT FMC connector to PMOD header.
cd into workspace
Terminal 1
openocd -f ./bsp/eaglex/debug/eaglex_boot.cfg
Terminal 2
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb.exe --eval-command="target extended-remote localhost:3020"
(gdb) load
(gdb) c
Terminal 1
openocd -f ./bsp/eaglex/debug/eaglex_demo.cfg
Terminal 2
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb.exe --eval-command="target extended-remote localhost:3020"
(gdb) c
Terminal 3
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb ./build/firmware.elf --eval-command="target extended-remote localhost:3000"
(gdb) set $pc=0x50000000
(gdb) c
Terminal 4
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb ./build/firmware.elf --eval-command="target extended-remote localhost:3001"
(gdb) set $pc=0x50000000
(gdb) c