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The original Ubuntu MATE Welcome based on WebKitGTK. Debuted in 15.04 until 23.10


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The Ubuntu MATE Welcome application to greet and assist new and returning users.


  • Introduce new users to the operating system.
    • Highlight key features of Ubuntu MATE and GNU/Linux.
    • Provide quick guidelines on getting started.
    • Provide quick installation guidance.
    • Inform users of their system's specifications.
  • Grow the Ubuntu MATE Community
    • Links to the community forums and social networks.
    • Inform of Ubuntu MATE branded products for sale.
    • Provide details on donating to the project.
  • Software Boutique
    • From a pick of Ubuntu MATE's recommended software tested for the distribution.
    • Simple tools to manage packages on the system.
    • Install a package manager, such as Ubuntu Software Center.

Originally based on:


Welcome does not require parameters for general usage, but for debugging and testing purposes, the following can be specified:


Usage: ubuntu-mate-welcome [arguments]
  -d, --dev, --debug           Disables locales and is very verbose
                               intended for development purposes.
  --font-dpi=NUMBER            Adapt zoom setting based on DPI. Default 96.
  -h, --help                   Show this help text.
  --force-arch=ARCH            Simulate a specific architecture.
                                -- Examples: i386, amd64, armhf, arm64
  --force-codename=CODENAME    Simulate a specific release.
                                -- Examples: trusty, wily, xenial
  --force-net                  Simulate a working internet connection.
  --force-no-net               Simulate no internet connection.
  --force-session=TYPE         Simulate a specific type of session.
                                -- Options: guest, live, pi, vbox
  --jump-to=PAGE               Open a specific page, excluding *.html
  --locale=CODE                Locale to use. e.g. fr_FR.
  --simulate-changes           Simulate software package changes without
                               modifying the system.
  -b, -boutique,               Open Welcome only for the software selections.
  -v, --verbose                Show more details to stdout (for diagnosis).


  • gir1.2-gtk-3.0
  • gir1.2-notify-0.7
  • gir1.2-webkit2-4.0
  • libnotify-bin
  • parted
  • pciutils
  • policykit-1
  • python3
  • python3-apt
  • python3-aptdaemon
  • python3-aptdaemon.gtk3widgets
  • python3-gi
  • python3-setproctitle
  • software-properties-common
  • inxi
  • humanity-icon-theme

Daily Builds

For the latest Snap Build:

snap refresh ubuntu-mate-welcome --channel beta --amend

For the latest Debian Package (PPA):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/welcome
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade ubuntu-mate-welcome


To perform tests against the application, see the tests/ folder. These scripts check the application for consistency and may catch bugs early.


This tool is for making queries on the Software Boutique's JSON database.

  • --list-index = List applications in the index.
  • --list-broken = List applications that are not working.
  • --list-missing-codename=<RELEASE> = List applications not present in a release.
  • --list-missing-arch=<ARCH> = List applications not present for an architecture.
  • --list-special = List applications that pre-install differently on releases.
  • --list-sources = List each application's source (eg. PPA, Ubuntu Archives)



We are on Transifex!

To test translations:

  1. Navigate to the repository folder.
  2. Run ./
  3. Run ./ubuntu-mate-welcome --locale=<CODE> (e.g. fr_FR, es_ES)

A member from the Ubuntu MATE with access to Transifex may run:


The following cannot be translated:

  • Software Boutique - Names and descriptions for applications.
  • Terminal debug output.
  • Screenshots.


Stupid name, but we like it, which supports the following arguments:

  • create-all-pots - will create a .pot file for every slide (using @zwnj; chars to denote translatable string) and place it in data/po/<slide name>
  • translate-all - for each slide, will produce translated html for each .po found in data/po/slidename. The .po should according to locale e.g. en_GB.po. The output will be written to the data/i18n/<locale>/ directory as slide_name.html
  • create-pot - create a single .pot file (mainly for testing purposes)
  • translate - translate a single slide (mainly for testing purposes)
  • po - for each translatable string in a po file, set the translation to be the original string reversed (only for use when testing...)

Additional arguments:

  • --input=<filename> used with create-pot and translate and specifies the source html. Also used with po to specified .po file containing strings to be reversed --po-file=<filename> used with translate and specified .po file to use
  • --output=<filename> used with create-pot, translate and po and specifies the output file

Normal usage would be to:

  • run create-pot to create an initial set of .pot files or to update them when new strings are added to slides.
  • check the .pots in poedit or a text editor in case missing or misaligned &zwnj;'s in the html
  • copy .po files translations from Transiflex into the data/po/<slide_name>/ directories
  • run translate-all to build a set of translated slides

Building a local package

If you want to build a local package for testing then do the following:

sudo apt-get install python3-polib
./ --update-pos
./ --install
./edgar-allan translate-all
debuild -b

The resulting .deb can be installed with sudo dpkg -i or gdebi.