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Getting Started

This project relies on the Echo framework. Read a bit more about it if you aren't familiar.

This project uses go 1.18. Details about the packages it relies on are in the go.mod file.

To run the project for development, simply run:

go run main.go controllers.go odlc.go pathfinding.go

To build a binary for the project, run:

go build

When running, the root of the project is available at localhost:1323.

For testing endpoints for development, it's highly recommended that you use an API client. Insomnia is a great choice.

File Structure


Controllers are paired routes and HTTP request methods. Middleware, logging, and everything else should be configured here.


Endpoints and controllers are defined here, with sample request/response bodies (if applicable):

  • (GET) /waypoints

    • Returns a list of all Waypoints currently registered in the database.
    • Sample response body:
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Alpha",
            "longitude": 13.4,
            "latitude": -4.5,
            "altitude": 20.4
            "id": 2,
            "name": "Beta",
            "longitude": 13.57,
            "latitude": -4,
            "altitude": 50.4
  • (POST) /waypoints

    • Registers a provided list of Waypoints into the database. If this request is made multiple times, any duplicate Waypoints will not be re-registered into the database (a duplicate Waypoint is any Waypoint whose fields are identical, except possibly id).
    • Sample request body:
            "id": -1,
            "name": "Alpha",
            "longitude": 13.4,
            "latitude": -4.5,
            "altitude": 20.4
            "id": -1,
            "name": "Beta",
            "longitude": 13.57,
            "latitude": -4.0,
            "altitude": 50.4

  • (GET) /routes

    • Returns a list of all AEACRoutes currently registered in the database
    • Sample response body:
            "id": 1,
            "number": 1,
            "start_waypoint": "alpha",
            "end_waypoint": "delta",
            "passengers": 5,
            "max_vehicle_weight": 30.5,
            "value": 13.2,
            "remarks": "",
            "order": 0
            "id": 2,
            "number": 2,
            "start_waypoint": "delta",
            "end_waypoint": "zeta",
            "passengers": 10,
            "max_vehicle_weight": 20.05,
            "value": 17.3,
            "remarks": "remark",
            "order": 1
  • (POST) /routes

    • Registers a provided list of AEACRoutes into the database. If this request is made multiple times, any duplicate routes will not be re-registered into the database (a duplicate route is any AEACRoutes whose fields are identical, except possibly id).
    • Sample request body:
            "id": -1,
            "number": 1,
            "start_waypoint": "alpha",
            "end_waypoint": "delta",
            "passengers": 5,
            "max_vehicle_weight": 30.5,
            "value": 13.2,
            "remarks": "",
            "order": 0
            "id": -1,
            "number": 2,
            "start_waypoint": "delta",
            "end_waypoint": "zeta",
            "passengers": 10,
            "max_vehicle_weight": 20.05,
            "value": 17.3,
            "remarks": "remark",
            "order": 1
  • (GET) /nextroute

    • Gets the next AEACRoutes that should be followed (the one with the lowest order out of the remaining AEACRoutes).
    • Deletes the AEACRoutes from the database after it is returned.
    • Sample response body:
        "id": 1,
        "number": 1,
        "start_waypoint": "alpha",
        "end_waypoint": "delta",
        "passengers": 5,
        "max_vehicle_weight": 30.5,
        "value": 13.2,
        "remarks": "",
        "order": 0
  • (GET) /status

    • Gets the current aircraft status (velocity, longitude, latitude, altitude, heading, battery voltage) from Mission Planner.
    • Sample response body:
        "velocity": 10.4,
        "latitude": -35.3627175,
        "longitude": 149.1514354,
        "altitude": 17.0569992065,
        "heading": 265.771789551,
        "voltage": 1.5


Functions that manage the storage of Waypoint and AEACRoutes with the local sqlite database are declared here:

  • cleanDB() error

    • Deletes all Waypoints and AEACRoutes currently registered in the sqlite database by issuing a DELETE query for each table, creating the requisite database tables if they do not already exist.
    • Returns an error if either the creation of the database tables fails, or if the execution of any DELETE queries fail, and nil otherwise.
  • connectToDB() *sql.DB

    • Creates a local sqlite database with filename database.sqlite in the root directory of the project if it does not already exist, and starts a database connection.
    • Returns a pointer to a sql.DB object required for sending queries to the database.
    • panics if the sqlite file cannot be created or opened.
  • Migrate() error

    • Reads the SQL queries from migrate.sql located in the root directory of the project, and executes each query against the database created by connectToDB() to initialize any required tables.
    • Returns an error if migrate.sql does not exist, or if executing the queries against the sqlite database fails for any reason, nil otherwise.

  • (wp *Waypoint) Create() error

    • Saves the current Waypoint struct in the database, and updates the current Waypoint struct with the correct serialized ID. If this Waypoint already exists in the database (a database record exists that has the same name, longitude, latitude, and altitude), no new record is created, but the wp struct this method was called on will still be updated to the correct value in the database.
    • Requires that this Waypoint.ID == -1 (i.e. this Waypoint has not yet been registered into the database).
    • Calling wp.Create() mutates wp.ID and replaces it with the ID assigned by the database serialization (primary key).
    • Must be called on a Waypoint struct (i.e. calling wp.Create()).
  • (wp Waypoint) Update() error

    • Updates the database record for a given Waypoint based on its ID. All records in the database with id == wp.ID will have their field values (ex. name, longitude, latitude, altitude) updated to the field values of wp.
    • Requires that wp.Create() has already been called for this Waypoint (i.e., that wp.ID != -1).
    • Must be called on a Waypoint struct (i.e. calling wp.Update()).
  • (wp Waypoint) Delete() error

    • Deletes all database records with id == wp.ID.
    • Must be called on a Waypoint struct (i.e. calling wp.Delete()).
  • (wp *Waypoint) Get() error

    • Writes the values stored in the database for this given Waypoints ID to the Waypoint object.
    • Calling wp.Get() mutates wp and replaces all field values in wp with the values from the first record in the database with id == wp.ID.
    • Must be called on a Waypoint struct (i.e. calling wp.Get()).
  • getAllWaypoints() (*Queue, error)

    • Gets all Waypoints currently registered in the database.
    • Returns a pointer to a Queue that contains all currently registered Waypoints.

  • (r *AEACRoutes) Create() error

    • Saves the current AEACRoutes struct in the database, and updates the current AEACRoutes struct with the correct serialized ID. If this AEACRoutes already exists in the database (a database record exists that has the same number, start_waypoint, end_waypoint, ...), no new record is created, but the r struct this method was called on will still be updated to the correct value in the database.
    • Requires that this AEACRoutes.ID == -1 (i.e. this AEACRoutes has not yet been registered into the database).
    • Calling r.Create() mutates r.ID and replaces it with the ID assigned by the database serialization (primary key).
    • Must be called on a AEACRoutes struct (i.e. calling r.Create()).
  • (r AEACRoutes) Update() error

    • Updates the database record for a given AEACRoutes with the data in the AEACRoutes struct based on its ID.
    • Requires that r.Create() has already been called for this AEACRoutes (i.e., that r.ID != -1).
    • Must be called on a AEACRoutes struct (i.e. calling r.Update()).
  • (r AEACRoutes) Delete() error

    • Deletes all database records with id == r.ID.
    • Must be called on a AEACRoutes struct (i.e. calling r.Delete()).
  • (r *AEACRoutes) Get() error

    • Writes the values stored in the database for this given AEACRoutess ID to the AEACRoutes object.
    • Calling r.Get() mutates r and replaces all field values in r with the values from the first record in the database with id == r.ID.
    • Must be called on a AEACRoutes struct (i.e. calling r.Get()).
  • getAllRoutes() (*[]AEACRoutes, error)

    • Gets all AEACRoutes registered in the database.
    • Returns a pointer to an []AEACRoutes that contains all routes currently in the database.


Functions that interface with MissionPlanner-Scripts are declared here. For more detailed specifications on endpoint behavior, see

  • GetQueue() (*Queue, error)

    • Gets the current queue of Waypoints that constitute the path the drone is following from MissionPlanner.
    • Returns: Pointer to a Queue containing the Waypoints generated from the data in the response from MissionPlanner
    • Interfaces with MissionPlanner-Scripts' (GET) /queue endpoint.
  • PostQueue(queue *Queue) error

    • Overrides the current path that the drone is following with a new Queue of Waypoints.
    • Param: queue - a pointer to a Queue struct containing the new sequence of waypoints to follow.
    • Interfaces with MissionPlanner-Scripts' (POST) /queue endpoint.
  • GetAircraftStatus() (*AircraftStatus, error)

    • Gets the current aircraft status from MissionPlanner
    • Returns: a pointer to a AircraftStatus struct with fields populated with data from MissionPlanner response.
    • Interfaces with MissionPlanner-Scripts' (GET) /status endpoint.
  • LockAircraft() error

    • Locks the aircraft (prevents the aircraft from moving based on the MissionPlanner queue).
    • Interfaces with MissionPlanner-Scripts' (GET) /lock endpoint.
  • UnlockAircraft() error

    • Unlocks the aircraft (resume aircraft movement based on the MissionPlanner queue).
    • Interfaces with MissionPlanner-Scripts' (GET) /unlock endpoint.
  • ReturnToLaunch() error

    • Directs the aircraft to head back to the original launch site, or a newly defined home waypoint.
    • Interfaces with the MissionPlanner-Scripts' (GET) /rtl endpoint.
  • LandImmediately() error

    • Immediately descends the aircraft and lands over its current position.
    • Interfaces with the MissionPlanner-Scripts' (GET) /land endpoint.
  • PostHome(home *Waypoint) error

    • Sets the home waypoint of the aircraft. This is the waypoint that the aircraft will return and land at if ReturnToLaunch() is called.
    • Param: home - The Waypoint to set as the new home waypoint for the aircraft.
    • Interfaces with MissionPlanner-Scripts' (POST) /home endpoint.
  • Takeoff(altitude float64) error

    • Commands the aircraft to take off to a given altitude, measured above sea level. This must be issued while the aircraft is armed in MissionPlanner.
    • Interfaces with MissionPlanner-Scripts' (POST) /takeoff endpoint.


Any functions related to interfacing with ODLC are declared here.


Functions that interface with the Pathfinding module. For more information, see

  • (r AEACRoutes) toPFRoute(startWaypointID int, endWaypointID int) PFRoute

    • Helper function to convert existing AEACRoutes struct into a format compatible with pathfinding data ingest.
    • Param: startWaypointID - the integer ID of the Waypoint corresponding to r.StartWaypoint. This is determined by the database serialization and so the constituent Waypoints of r must have been Create()d already.
    • Param: endWaypointID - the integer ID fof the Waypoint corresponding to r.EndWaypoint.
    • Returns a PFRoute struct that represents the same route as r.
  • (pfInput PathfindingInput) createPathfindingInput() error

    • Creates the input Text.json file for the pathfinding module from the data contained within a PathfindingInput struct. This file is at ./pathfinding/Text.json.
    • Returns an error if unable to write to the specified location.
  • runPathfinding() error

    • Run the pathfinding module.

    • Requires that an input json file named Text.json has already been created in ./pathfinding/.

    • On success, creates an output json file in ./pathfinding/output.json containing a json object determining the order of routes to be taken, based on the information provided in pfInput when CreatePathfindingInput was called.

    • For example, this may be the contents of ./pathfinding/output.json:


      in this case, we should first take the route in pfInput.AEACRoutes with ID == 1, then the route in pfInput.AEACRoutes with ID == 3, and finally the route in pfInput.AEACRoutes with ID == 2.

    • Returns an error if no matching input json file exists, or if the pathfinding executable is not located at ./pathfinding/UAS-Pathfinding.exe, or if the output file is not properly created.

  • (pfInput PathfindingInput) readPathfindingOutput() (*[]AEACRoutes, error)

    • Reads the output of the pathfinding module and determines the order of routes to be taken. This is done by searching pfInput.AEACRoutes for an AEACRoutes with a matching ID, updating that route's Order, and appending it to a []AEACRoutes.
    • Returns a pointer to that []AEACRoutes after all routes are appended.
    • Requires that pfInput is the same PathfindingInput struct that was used to call createPathfindingInput().


Any functions related to interfacing with the RCOMMS system are declared here. Most likely, this include instantiation of socket connections via a middleware to allow for endpoints in the form of controllers to be reached.


Any functions related to sending emails. Used to automate sending the route plan email. Includes formating and sending an email with a given route.


Tests are ran on a per file basis. For example, tests for odlc.go will be in odlc_test.go.

Tests can be ran with go test <test files to run> <files being tested>. Alternatively, go test will automatically test all files in the project.

Be sure to write a test for every function you make, barring some exceptions like main.

There are options for coverage and verbosity as part of go test.


The database is a SQLite based database generated by shell scripts.


format: Tablename (Corresponding Go Struct)

waypoints (Waypoint)

  • id: serial, primary key, internal
  • name: text, identifier, arbitrary and provided by the competition
  • longitude (degrees)
  • latitude (degrees)
  • altitude (meters above sea level)

aeac_routes (AEACRoute)

  • id: serial, primary key, internal
  • number: integer, provided by the competition, used to identify routes to the judges
  • start_waypoint_name: name of the starting waypoint
  • end_waypoint_name: name of the ending waypoint
  • passengers: number of passengers being transported
  • max_vehicle_weight: maximum weight of the vehicle allowed for the route (kg or lbs? unsure yet. just a number for now)
  • value: $ value of route, floating point value
  • remarks: text, indicates any additional details about the parameters of the route
  • order: cardinal number indicating the nth order we are taking this route in. nullable. if null, we are not taking this route.


Ground Control Software Back End




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