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tokenize line into LexiconToken strucutre (to save additional positio…
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u8621011 committed Aug 7, 2018
1 parent 6ed4e25 commit f623387
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Showing 3 changed files with 111 additions and 85 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions pyVitk/
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# encoding=utf-8
import json

class LexiconToken(object):
def __init__(self, type, text, start_char_pos, end_char_pos):
self.type = type
self.text = text
self.start_char_pos = start_char_pos
self.end_char_pos = end_char_pos

def __repr__(self):
return json.dumps(self, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
169 changes: 89 additions & 80 deletions pyVitk/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
from .Bigrams import Bigrams
from .Dijkstra import Dijkstra
from .Dijkstra2 import Graph, shortest_path
from pyVitk.DataStructure import LexiconToken

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ def shortestPaths(self) -> list:

return allPaths

def words(self, path: list) -> list:
def words(self, path: list, concat=False) -> list:
Gets a list of words specified by a given path.
:param path:
Expand All @@ -153,7 +155,10 @@ def words(self, path: list) -> list:
lstSyllables = list()
for k in range(a[j] + 1, a[j + 1]):
lstSyllables.append(' ')
if concat:
lstSyllables.append(' ')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,84 +205,110 @@ class SegmentationFunction(object):
def __init__(self, tokenizer: 'Tokenizer'):
self.tokenizer = tokenizer

def segment(self, sentence: str) -> list:
def segment(self, sentence: str, concat=False) -> list:
Segment the passed in sentence, caller must not call sentence.strip, segmentation function will do it to calculate the pricise term position in sentence.
:param sentence:
tokens = []

sentence = sentence.strip()
if len(sentence) == 0:
s = sentence.lstrip()
if len(s) == 0:
return tokens

s = sentence
# the first position of non-space char.
cur_pos = len(sentence) - len(s)

token_start_pos_base = cur_pos
while True:
maxLen = 0
nextToken = None
tokenType = None
max_matched_len = 0
next_token = None
token_type = None

# greedy search for the longest pattern from the beginning of 's'
logger.debug('Segmenting sentence: ' + s)
logger.debug('Segmenting sentence: %s', s)
for k, p in self.tokenizer.patterns.items():
# return matchobject if matches
m = p.match(s)
if m:
logger.debug('【{}】 matched: {}'.format(s, k))
curLen = m.end(0) - m.start(0)
if maxLen < curLen:
maxLen = curLen
nextToken =
tokenType = k
nextToken = nextToken.strip()
#logger.debug('Test {} with pattern {}: not matched'.format(s, p))

if tokenType:
logger.debug('longest matched pattern type: {}, token: {}'.format(tokenType, nextToken))
logger.debug('【%s】 matched pattern: %s', s, k)
cur_matched_len = m.end(0) - m.start(0)
if max_matched_len < cur_matched_len:
max_matched_len = cur_matched_len
next_token =
token_type = k

# what pattern will have space in the begin or end of matched term?
stripped_token = next_token.strip()
if len(stripped_token) != len(next_token):'Found the case of token need to be stripped, token: [%s]', next_token)
raise Exception('Found the case of token need to be stripped')

if token_type:
logger.debug('longest matched pattern type: %s, token: %s', token_type, next_token)
logger.debug('Cannot find the matched pattern.')
logger.debug('Cannot find the matched pattern. sentence: %s', s)

# split off the longest token we found.
if nextToken:
s = s[maxLen:].strip()
if next_token:
string_left = s[max_matched_len:]
string_left_trimmed = s[max_matched_len:].lstrip()

# process the token we found
if 'name' in tokenType and len(s) > 0:
tup = self.processName(nextToken, s)
if len(tup[0]) != len(nextToken):
nextToken = tup[0]
s = tup[1]
tokenType = 'word'

logger.debug('appending new token, type: {}, token: {}'.format(tokenType, nextToken))
tokens.append((tokenType, nextToken))
elif 'unit' in tokenType and len(s) > 0:
tup = self.processUnit(nextToken, s)
if len(tup[0]) > len(nextToken):
nextToken = tup[0]
s = tup[1]
tokenType = "unit"

logger.debug('appending new token, type: {}, token: {}'.format(tokenType, nextToken))
tokens.append((tokenType, nextToken))
elif 'phrase' in tokenType:
if nextToken.find(' ') > 0: # multi-syllabic phrase
if self.tokenizer.classifier is not None:
if 'name' in token_type and len(string_left_trimmed) > 0:
tup = self.processName(next_token, string_left_trimmed)
if len(tup[0]) != len(next_token):
next_token = tup[0]
s = string_left_trimmed = tup[1]
token_type = 'word'

logger.debug('appending new token, type: {}, token: {}'.format(token_type, next_token))
tokens.append((token_type, next_token))
elif 'unit' in token_type and len(string_left_trimmed) > 0:
tup = self.processUnit(next_token, string_left_trimmed)
if len(tup[0]) > len(next_token):
next_token = tup[0]
s = string_left_trimmed = tup[1]
token_type = "unit"

logger.debug('appending new token, type: {}, token: {}'.format(token_type, next_token))
tokens.append((token_type, next_token))
elif 'phrase' in token_type:
if next_token.find(' ') > 0: # multi-syllabic phrase
if self.tokenizer.classifier is not None:
raise NotImplementedError
# segment the phrase using a phrase graph
words = self.tokenizePhrase(nextToken)
words = self.tokenizePhrase(next_token)
#words = self.tokenizePhrase2(nextToken)
if words is not None:
token_start_pos = token_start_pos_base
for i in range(len(words)):
'appending new token, type: {}, token: {}'.format(tokenType, words[i]))
tokens.append(("word", words[i]))
if i != 0:
token_start_pos = token_end_pos + 1 # every token must be split by one space
token_end_pos = token_start_pos + len(words[i])
t = LexiconToken(type="word", text=words[i], start_char_pos=token_start_pos
, end_char_pos=token_end_pos)
else:'Error when tokenizing phrase: ' + nextToken)
raise Exception('Error when tokenizing phrase: ' + next_token)
'appending new token, type: {}, token: {}'.format('word', nextToken))
tokens.append(("word", nextToken))
token_start_pos = token_start_pos_base
token_end_pos = token_start_pos_base + max_matched_len
t = LexiconToken(type="word", text=next_token, start_char_pos=token_start_pos,
s = string_left_trimmed
tokens.append((tokenType, nextToken))
token_start_pos = token_start_pos_base
token_end_pos = token_start_pos_base + max_matched_len
t = LexiconToken(type=token_type, text=next_token, start_char_pos=token_start_pos,
s = string_left_trimmed
token_start_pos_base = token_end_pos + (
len(string_left) - len(string_left_trimmed)) # the next base
if len(s.strip()) > 0:
logger.warning('Unprocessed substring: ' + s)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,28 +517,6 @@ def tokenize(self, inputFilename, outputFilename):
def tokenizeLine(self, line: str, concat=False) -> list:
seg = SegmentationFunction(self)

line = line.strip()
tokens = seg.segment(line, concat)

tokens = seg.segment(line)
lstRet = list()

for i in range(len(tokens)):
curToken = tokens[i]
if concat:
if (curToken[0] == 'phrase' or curToken[0] == 'word'):
'Type': curToken[0],
'Text': curToken[1].replace(' ', '_')
'Type': curToken[0],
'Text': curToken[1],
'Type': curToken[0],
'Text': curToken[1],

return lstRet
return tokens
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions pyVitk/dat/tok/regexp-py.txt
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@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
# example: i am a lowercase string.
01:phrase [\p{Ll}\s]+(?=[\s\.,\!\?\-\:;"“”'\(\)*]+|$)(?<!(http|https|ftp))
01:phrase [\p{Lu}]{0,1}[\p{Ll}]+(?:\s[\p{Ll}]+)*(?=[\s\.,\!\?\-\:;"“”'\(\)*]+|$)(?<!(http|https|ftp))
#01:phrase [\p{Ll}]+(?:\s[\p{Ll}]+)*(?=[\s\.,\!\?\-\:;"“”'\(\)*]+|$)(?<!(http|https|ftp)) # fix for tailing space error
#01:phrase [\p{Ll}\s]+(?=[\s\.,\!\?\-\:;"“”'\(\)*]+|$)(?<!(http|https|ftp))
# 01:phrase [aáàảãạăắằẳẵặâấầẩẫậbcdđeéèẻẽẹêếềểễệfghiíìỉĩịjklmnoóòỏõọôốồổỗộơớờởỡợpqrstuúùủũụưứừửữựvwxyýỳỷỹỵz\s]+(?=[\s\.,\!\?\-\:;"“”'\(\)]+|$)(?<!http)(?<!https)<?<!ftp)
# the original pattern for java won't match string likes http:\\, but python version will match and capture string except http/https/ftp string. may be we should adjust the algorithm to do special pattern search before phrase patten.
# 01:phrase [aáàảãạăắằẳẵặâấầẩẫậbcdđeéèẻẽẹêếềểễệfghiíìỉĩịjklmnoóòỏõọôốồổỗộơớờởỡợpqrstuúùủũụưứừửữựvwxyýỳỷỹỵz\s]+(?=[\s\.,\!\?\-\:;"“”'\(\)]+|$)

# example: AAA.A
02:allcaps ([A-Z]+)([A-Z\.])*[^a-z\)\W]
#02:allcaps ([A-Z]+)([A-Z\.])*[^a-z\)\W]
02:allcaps ([\p{Lu}]+)([\p{Lu}\.])*[^\p{Ll}\)]

# complete latin char [a-zA-Z]
# example: 29292ADB222
Expand All @@ -19,7 +22,8 @@
# 03:entity2 ^[a-zA-ZáàảãạăắằẳẵặâấầẩẫậđéèẻẽẹêếềểễệíìỉĩịýỳỷỹỵóòỏõọôốồổỗộơớờởỡợúùủũụưứừửữựÁÀẢÃẠĂẮẰẲẴẶÂẤẦẨẪẬĐÉÈẺẼẸÊẾỀỂỄỆÍÌỈĨỊÝỲỶỸỴÓÒỎÕỌÔỐỒỔỠỢÚÙỦŨỤƯỨỪỬỮỰ]+(\d)+

# example: ADFA11ADD333
03:entity3 ([\p{Lu}]+\d*)+
03:entity3 ([\p{Lu}]+\d+)+
#03:entity3 ([\p{Lu}]+\d*)+
# below is the RE module version

Expand All @@ -30,7 +34,7 @@

# example: Ông ăn
#04:name ([\p{Lu}][\p{L}&&[^\p{Lu}]]*)([\s+\-][\p{Lu}][\p{L}&&[^\p{Lu}]]*)*
04:name ([\p{Lu}][\p{L}]*)([\s+\-][\p{Lu}][\p{L}]*)*
#04:name ([\p{Lu}][\p{L}]*)([\s+\-][\p{Lu}][\p{L}]*)*
# below is the RE module version
# 04:name ^([A-ZÁÀẢÃẠĂẮẰẲẴẶÂẤẦẨẪẬĐÉÈẺẼẸÊẾỀỂỄỆÍÌỈĨỊÝỲỶỸỴÓÒỎÕỌÔỐỒỔỠỢÚÙỦŨỤƯỨỪỬỮỰ][a-záàảãạăắằẳãặâấầẩẫậđéèẻẽẹêếềểẽệíìỉĩịýỳỷỹỵóòỏõọôốồổỗợơớờởỡộúùủũụưứừửữự]*)([\s+\-][A-ZÁÀẢÃẠĂẮẰẲẴẶÂẤẦẨẪẬĐÉÈẺẼẸÊẾỀỂỄỆÍÌỈĨỊÝỲỶỸỴÓÒỎÕỌÔỐỒỔỠỢÚÙỦŨỤƯỨỪỬỮỰ][a-záàảãạăắằẳãặâấầẩẫậđéèẻẽẹêếềểẽệíìỉĩịýỳỷỹỵóòỏõọôốồổỗộơớờởỡợúùủũụưứừửữự]+)*

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +68,7 @@
16:space \s+
17:special [`~\!@#\$%\^&\*\-_\+=\|\\\:;"',<\.>/\?]+

18:foreign ([\p{L}]+)(\-[\p{L}]+)*
#18:foreign ([\p{L}]+)(\-[\p{L}]+)*

19:domain \w[\-\w]*\w+(\.\w+)+
20:url ((http)|(https)|(ftp))\://\w[\-\w]*\w+(\.\w+)+(/[\w\-]+)*(\.\w+)?
Expand Down

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