This is a React app front end built with Redux. It works with the tylers-list-api backend which consists of a PostgreSQL db, Node Express server and Redis db for JSON Web Tokens.
- ReactJS - Frontend framework
- Redux - State Management
- React Router - General routing & navigation
- Styled Components - UI styling library
- Tyler's List API Repo - Repository for Tyler's List Back-end
- Node.js - Runtime environment for JS
- PostgreSQL - Opens-source SQL database to store data
- JSON Web Token - A standard to secure/authenticate HTTP requests
- Bcrypt.js - For hashing passwords
- Redis - In memory database for JSON Web Tokens
- Docker - Development tool for creating, deploying and running applications using containers
- Authentication (login/register w/ username & password)
- Review/search all open gigs
- Take and post gigs
- Responsive UI
Create a .env file in server directory and add the following:
REACT_APP_API_URL = "your api URL here"
Run client development server:
cd client
npm install
npm start