CMDB system where CMDB server is git server (for example GitHub)
Every defined number of seconds hosts connect to Github to update a specific branch of a repo and execute a list of installers only in case this brach has been updated.
Currently the only supported installers are puppet and simple bash scripts. New installers can be added easily.
Multiple installers can be executed in the same host and at the same cron execution. So you can mix for example bash for some tasks and puppet for other more complex tasks.
wget --quiet '' -O - | bash -s <repo> <install folder>
- repo is your repo, default
- install folder is where to clone the repo, by default /opt
Supported Distributions:
- Debian/Ubuntu
Define hostnames of hosts like role-instance-whatever.domain
Configuration variables will be load from:
- config/default.yaml
- config/role/default.yaml
- config/role/instance.yaml
and it that order so the later has preference
All those environment variables will be load and then gitcmdb_installers will be executed in the written order
It's quite similar to r10k usage, every host has an specific repo (gitcmdb_installerrepo), an specific branch (gitcmdb_branch) and:
- Puppetfile is read by r10k to install all defined modules
- hiera is enabled, hiera.yaml is also versioned for every repository branch
- puppet apply is executed to load manifests/site.pp
- By default hiera loads class ::roles::role
- External facts from
are copied to/etc/facter/facts.d
so they can also be used
All variables in yaml config will be loaded as environment variables. If found those scripts are executed in that order:
- bashscripts/
- bashscripts/
- bashscripts/role/
Make idempotent scripts!
To be done.