Twizzler is a research operating system designed to explore novel programming models for new memory hierarchy designs. In particular, we are focused on the opportunities presented by byte-addressable non-volatile memory technologies. Twizzler provides a data-centric programming environment that lets programmers to work with persistent data like it's memory -- because persistent data is memory.
This repo contains source code for the kernel and userspace, along with a build system that bootstraps a Twizzler userspace (including porting existing POSIX software). You can write code for it and play around! We're not quite production ready, but we're getting there! :)
See for an overview of our goals.
cmake -- files for cmake build system
docs -- documentation files
ports -- files for patching and building ported software
bin -- sources for twizzler programs
boot -- files for booting twizzler
drivers -- drivers for twizzler
kernel -- twizzler kernel sources
arch -- architecture-specific code
core -- main kernel source, non-system specific
include -- kernel-specific include files
lib -- kernel library files
machine -- platform-specific code
lib -- sources for twizzler libraries
playground -- testing area, write your hello world program in here :)
share -- files that get installed in /usr/share in the sysroot
libtom* -- libraries for both kernel and userspace for crypto and math
llvm-project -- LLVM and clang sources, used to build the toolchain
utils -- utilities for compiling twizzler stuff on unix
See docs/ for instructions for building the OS. To build the documentation, run the following commands:
doxygen docs/Doxygen.user
doxygen docs/Doxygen.kernel
This will build the user and kernel docs, placing them in docs-gen-user and docs-gen-kernel.
See src/playground/ For an example of some of the Twizzler API, see src/playground/example.c
Instructions coming soon!