Util 19.9.0
released this
10 Sep 23:41
574 commits
to develop
since this release
Runtime Behavior Changes
- util-app: Better handling of exceptions when awaiting on the c.t.app.App to close at
the end of the main function. We Await.ready on this as the last step of
App#nonExitingMain which can potentially throw a TimeoutException which was previously
unhandled. We have updated the logic to ensure that TimeoutExceptions are handled accordingly.
b17297c7 - util: Upgrade to Scala Collections Compat 2.1.2. d4117162
Breaking API Changes
- util-core: BoundedStack is unused and really old code. Delete it. eeb0e947
- util-logging: com.twitter.logging.ScribeHandler and com.twitter.logging.ScribeHandlers have
been removed. Users are encouraged to use slf4j for logging. However, if a util-logging integrated
ScribeHandler is still required, users can either build their own Finagle-based scribe client as
in ScribeRawZipkinTracer in finagle-zipkin-scribe, or copy the old ScribeHandler
implementation directly into their code. f4e56599