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Pig to Scalding
This pages intends to help Pig users to learn Scalding by listing corresponding statements and basic Scala knowledge. You should also take a look at the tutorial.
A = LOAD 'foo'
// The TextLine source splits the input by lines.
val textSource = TextLine(args("input"))
// Create a type-safe pipe from the TextLine.
val lines: TypedPipe[String] = TypedPipe.from[String](textSource)
B = FOREACH A GENERATE /* expression */
val b = a.map((t) => /* expression */)
B = FILTER A BY foo == 0
a.filter{ case (foo, bar) => foo == 0 } // using pattern matching to name elements of a tuple
// if you don't need to name an element you can use the _ wildcard instead
a.filter{ case (foo, _) => foo == 0 }
in Scalding the use of flatMap is similar to the following in Pig:
in Scalding:
def tokenize(s: String) = s.split(" ").toList
b = a.flatMap(tokenize(_))
// which produces the same result as:
b = a.map(tokenize(_)).flatten()
// and the same as
b = a.map(tokenize(_)).flatten // empty parens are usually omitted
val b = a.groupBy(_._1).size
notice the _ shorthand used here.
C = JOIN A BY $0, B BY $0
Scalding: assuming a and b are both a Pipe[(K,V)], you can join them as follows
val c = a.join(b)
It is recommended to know the basics of Scala when trying out Scalding. Here are some common things Scala noobs may become confused about coming from Java and Pig.
Scala uses the java primitive type names but with the first letter capitalized. (Scala uses the boxed type automatically when needed.) ex: Java:
final int a = 1
val a = 1 // (val means it's a constant. Type is inferred. use var for variables)
val a: Int = 1 // same thing with explicit type declaration
def f(x:Int) = x * 2 // return type inferred
def f(x:Int): Int = x * 2 // same thing with explicit return type
Immutable data class that can be used in pattern matching ex:
case class User(val firstname: String, val lastname: String)
kind of similar to the following in Java plus the added benefit of pattern matching:
final class User {
public final String firstname; // those are immutable so it's fine to make them public
public final String lastname;
public User(String firstname,String lastname) {
this.firstname = firstname;
this.lastname = lastname;
fixed size with type assigned to each field ex:
val t = (1, "foo") // the type of t is Tuple2[Int, String]
t._1 // => 1
t._2 // => "foo"
assigning the members of t to a and b:
val (a, b) = t
a // => 1
b // => 2
it is the same as:
val a = t._1
val b = t._2
it is not the same as:
val a, b = t
// which is:
val a = t
val b = t
t match {
case (a, b) => a
Which translate to: if t is a Tuple2, assign t._1 to a and t._2 to b and return a You don't need to name things you don't use. The _ wildcard can be used:
t match {
case (a, _) => a
similarly with case classes:
val u = User("Jack", "Jackson") // This is the same as User.apply("Jack", "Jackson"). Not a constructor call
var v = u match {
case User(firstname, lastname) => firstname
... // other cases
More advanced pattern matching
case class Name(first: String, middle:String, last:String)
case class Address(street: String, zip: String, city: String)
case class Person(name:Name, age: Int, address: Address)
val p = Person(Name("Bob", "E.", "Roberts"), 42, Address("23 colorado st.", "99999", "Las Vegas"))
// unwrap Person
p match { case Person(a,b,c) => (a,b,c) }
// unwrap Person and Name
p match { case Person(Name(f,m,l), b, c) => (f, m, l, b, c) }
// multiple case statements (anonymizing minors not in the "Roberts" familly)
p match {
case Person(Name(first, _,"Roberts"), _, _) => first // matches only when lastname in Name is "Roberts"
case Person(Name(first, _, _), age, _) if (age > 21) => first // predicate can be applied as well
case _ => "anonymous" // default case if none of the above applies
// just extracting age
p match { case Person(_, age, _) => age }
// this one could be
// flattening the entire structure
p match { case Person(Name(f,m,l), age, Address(street, zip, city)) => (f, m, l, age, street, zip, city) }
If we have the following p1 of typed Pipe[T] f of type Function1[T,U] then
val p2 = p1.map(f)
p2 is of type Pipe[U]
When defining a function inline we use the following syntax:
(param1, param2, ...) => /* expression */
which can be used in map
p.map( (a) => a + 1 )
Here we are defining a function that takes one parameter named a
and apply it to all elements of p
with p1 of type Pipe[(Int, String)]
(a Pipe of Tuple2[Int, String])
mapping elements in p1:
p1.map( (t) => t._1 )
When a function takes only one parameter and is extremely simple, we can use the following shorthand:
p1.map( _._1 )
This syntax defines a function that takes one parameter on which we call ._1 (get the first element of the tuple)
WARNING: _ expands only to the expression directly around it. _._1._2 works but (_._1)._2 does not. (it turns into ((t) => (t._1))._2 which does not compile) always fallback to the full syntax when in doubt: (t) => (t._1)._2 works
In Scala the syntax for getting a field is the same as for calling a parameter-less method (parens are omitted). In fact getting a fields is calling a parameter-less methods.
p1 map f
is the same as
In Scala every method can be used as an operator. In fact, this is how operators are implemented as symbols are allowed in method names.
p1 filter { _._1 == 0 } map { _._2 }
p1.map { (t) => t._1 }
notice the curly braces, we're executing a block of code that returns a function. the result (last statement) of { } is passed to map
p1.map { println("foo"); (t) => t._1 }
"foo" is printed once (before passing the function to map)
p1.map { println("foo"); _._1 }
"foo" is printed once (before passing the function to map)
l.map{ (t) => { println("foo"); t._1 } }
"foo" is printed for each element
p1.map { case (a,b) => a }
block of code that returns a partial function that is then passed to map
is a short hand for:
p1.map( (t) => t match { case (a,b) => a } )
- Scaladocs
- Getting Started
- Type-safe API Reference
- SQL to Scalding
- Building Bigger Platforms With Scalding
- Scalding Sources
- Scalding-Commons
- Rosetta Code
- Fields-based API Reference (deprecated)
- Scalding: Powerful & Concise MapReduce Programming
- Scalding lecture for UC Berkeley's Analyzing Big Data with Twitter class
- Scalding REPL with Eclipse Scala Worksheets
- Scalding with CDH3U2 in a Maven project
- Running your Scalding jobs in Eclipse
- Running your Scalding jobs in IDEA intellij
- Running Scalding jobs on EMR
- Running Scalding with HBase support: Scalding HBase wiki
- Using the distributed cache
- Unit Testing Scalding Jobs
- TDD for Scalding
- Using counters
- Scalding for the impatient
- Movie Recommendations and more in MapReduce and Scalding
- Generating Recommendations with MapReduce and Scalding
- Poker collusion detection with Mahout and Scalding
- Portfolio Management in Scalding
- Find the Fastest Growing County in US, 1969-2011, using Scalding
- Mod-4 matrix arithmetic with Scalding and Algebird
- Dean Wampler's Scalding Workshop
- Typesafe's Activator for Scalding