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Ruby Version 5.x Upgrade Guide

jsp edited this page Mar 20, 2020 · 12 revisions

This is an upgrade guide for moving from 4.x to 5.x versions of the twilio-ruby helper library.

Note: twilio-ruby 5.x only supports Ruby 2.0+ due to both 1.8.x/1.9.x reaching End of Life

Accessing Resources

# Old
call = @client.account.calls.get('CA123xxx')
# New
call = @client.api.v2010.account.calls('CA123xxx').fetch
## OR
call = @client.api.account.calls('CA123xxx').fetch

The new library makes Twilio API subdomains (Lookups, Conversations, Monitor, etc.) first-class citizens. You can now also pin your interactions to the Twilio API to specific versions of that API (so here, .v2010. ensures we always talk to the 2010-04-01 version of the API). This allows you to migrate portions of your code to future versions independently without having to do a full upgrade when you update the library.

You'll also notice you have to call fetch at the end to get the actual instance of a Call. This is because .calls('CAxxx') returns a "Context", which we can then fetch to retrieve an "Instance", with all of its properties attached. This allows for better network efficiency and makes it more clear when the library is actually performing HTTP interactions.

> workspace = @client.taskrouter.workspaces('WSxxx')
#=> <WorkspaceContext ...>
> workspace.fetch
#=> <WorkspaceInstance status='active'...>

Listing Resources

There are now 2 ways to get a list of resources: list and stream.

  • list does exactly what it used to: it returns an Array that contains the Instances of resources.
> @client.api.account.messages.list
#=> [#<MessageInstance ..>, #<MessageInstance ..>, ...]
  • stream returns an Enumerable that can be passed to a block, it efficiently pages the list of resources for you and will pass limit amount of instances to the block (or every resource in the entire list, if no limit is set).
> 5).each {|m| puts m.sid}


The library now automatically handles paging for you! In both list and stream, you can specify the amount of instances you want to grab (limit), the maximum size you want each page fetch to be (page_size), and the maximum amount of pages to fetch (page_limit). The library will then handle the rest for you (as efficiently as possible)! 3000, page_size: 100) do |number|
  puts number.phone_number
> @client.conversations.completed.list(page_size: 100, page_limit: 10).size
#=> 1000

Proper Types

twilio-ruby resources now serialize/deserialize appropriate types. For example, in 4.x, a date would be represented as a String, leaving it up to you to serialize/deserialize strings into usable types. In 5.x, we deal with Time and Date objects:

# Old
feedback = @client.account.calls.feedback_summary.create(start_date: '2016-01-01', end_date: '2016-01-05')
feedback.start_date  #=> "2016-01-01"
# New
feedback = @client.api.account.calls.feedback_summary.create(start_date:, 1, 1), end_date:, 1, 5))
feedback.start_date  #=> #<Date 2016-01-01 ..>


  • Twilio::TwiML::Response was split; Twilio::TwiML::VoiceResponse, MessagingResponse and others.
  • Method names are now snake_cased (no longer TitleCased)
  • dial/message methods no longer take a default arg
# Old
twiml = do |r|
  r.Dial(user.phone_number, callerId: twilio_number)
# New
twiml = do |r|
  r.dial(number: user.phone_number, caller_id: twilio_number)

Configurable HTTP Client

You can now plug your own HTTP client into the Twilio::REST client! Just make a wrapper that conforms to the Twilio::HTTP::HttpClient Interface. Then, pass an initialized object into the Twilio::REST::Client:

custom_client =
@client ='ACxxx', 'AUTHTOKEN', http_client: custom_client)

Faraday is used by default, so you can also plug in any Faraday adapter:

@client.http_client.adapter = :typhoeus

Error handling

There are new classes to rescue errors from. The new library now uses the Twilio::REST::RestError class.

# Old
  call = @client.account.calls.get('CA123xxx')
rescue Twilio::REST::RequestError => e
# New
  call = @client.account.calls('CA123xxx').fetch
rescue Twilio::REST::RestError => e
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