The pillar ICO is made of three contracts which are ERC20 compliant token built using OpenZeppelin library.
The naming convention used describs the purpose of the individual contracts.
- PillarPreSale -
- PillarToken - deployed in Rinkeby testnet
- TeamAllocation -
- UnsoldAllocation - deployed in Rinkeby testnet
We use Truffle in order to compile and test the contracts.
It can be installed: npm install -g truffle
For more information visit
Also running node with active json-rpc is required. For testing puproses we suggest using
./ - run testrpc node with required params
truffle compile - compile all contracts
truffle test - run tests
Extends Zeppelin Ownable and StandardToken classes.
This class will handle the ICO transaction.
function pause() onlyOwner external returns (bool)
function() payable isFundingModeStop external
function purchase() payable isFundingModeStop external
finalize() external onlyOwner
function refund() isFundingModeStop external
event Refund(address indexed _from,uint256 _value);
event Migrate(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);