v0.10: Support for custom 3D backgrounds and for renaming apps
What's new:
- Added support for custom backgrounds
- Added suport for renaming apps
Custom Backgrounds:
Both 360 degree (equirectangular) and 6-side (cubemap) images are supported. This is automatically detected based on aspect ratio (with cubemap having 4:3 aspect ratio). To set up custom 3D backgrounds, copy your background images (either jpg or png) to Android/data/aaa.QuestAppLauncher.App/files/backgrounds and pick the background in Settings.
Rename apps:
To rename an app (i.e. to pick a different app name / icon for it), highlight the app and press either A or X on the controller. This will show a list of apps from you can choose an alternate app name / icon. You can reset these changes back to default in Settings.
(See readme for more details)