Welcome! Thank you for your interest in joining our team and for taking the time to apply to this role.
The purpose of this assessment is to help us understand how you approach solving problems.
There is no time limit for this assessment - please take as long as you like.
That said, your free time is precious and we don't want to take up too much of it. When setting this assessment, our intention was to provide a task that could be completed in around two hours.
To submit a solution, please send us a link to a Git respository.
Create an Angular application which displays a list of Playlists
from the following resource:
- Clean architecture, using functional or OOP principles
- A clean approach to styles
- Simple markup and use of HTML5 standards
- Some modularity in layouts and routing
- A README with your thoughts, comments and challenges/successes
- Well formatted code
- Demonstrating knowledge of writing tests (unit/e2e)
- Use of Angular Material components
- Demonstrating knowledge of Redux patterns and use of a state management tool (eg ngrx)
- Code that passes linting