Changelog since last release:
- terrain generator physics mesh generation
- lua bindings for physics
- added ray traced diffuse effect: 1 bounce indirect diffuse light (hardware raytracing GPU only). Can use DDGI as fallback for adding multiple bounces.
- optimization for scene intersection functions:
- LOD level can be specified
- they will use multiple threads to collect intersections
- repurposed RENDERTYPE enum to FILTER (old values are still usable)
- added FILTER_NAVIGATION_MESH type - allows tagging meshes for navigation and filtering them in scene intersection functions
- added FILTER_COLLIDER type - allows processing colliders in scene intersection functions
- added simpler interface to get scene intersections: new Scene::Intersects() function overloads
- improvements in character_controller_tps.lua script: script is checking colliders and navigation meshes instead of all meshes in the scene. This can result in faster performance when meshes are set up with colliders.
- terrain sample assets specify custom colliders for trees and bushes. Terrain chunks and rocks are tagged as navigation meshes.
- playground sample scene has now navigation mesh tagging for meshes that need collision
- VRM humanoid data import, automatic LookAt for head and eye bones.
- Lua bindings for expressions, humanoids
- Weather: added fog color override for realistic sky
- Editor: display save confirmation text
- Editor: fix for Win + D shortcut crash