- Slogan, take action
- Mission
- Make list teacher/uni more recognization
- Make log-in more recognizable
- Add report option
Add function to insert/modify/suggest profile picAdd share button- Adjust spacing for review display
- Use mobile design
- Login notice when trying to vote
- Landing page
- Landing page mobile/ipad portrait
- Small UI Fixes
- Write_review_mobile
Bigger star on write review mobile- Suggestion block
- Countdown?
- Write_review_mobile
Facebook sharing- Link URL to correct review
- Teacher share
Review share
Change voting to upvote onlyUpdate UI of vote
- Filter list of teacher/uni (20)
- Name, subject, school first
- Add embed link/hyperlink option to copy direct link to review
- Modularize navbar, breakdown template
Change limit to navbar autocompleteAdd jquery ui css
- Ipad Portrait mode problem.....
- Media queries 768 -> 769
- Bootstrap-select
- Heart button under teacher image
- Font
- Image load order
- Cache
Gitignore setupSqlite
- uWsgi, nginx setup
- Static files configure
- Setup logging
- Test domain ns
- Captcha (maybe)
- Change login position (maybe)
- Change star to smile (maybe)
- Update search box to query more info (teacher name + school)
- Feedback feature
- Simple one-way feedback form
- Admin can get user's email, able to reply
- https://github.com/girasquid/django-feedback
- https://github.com/SpreadBand/django-backcap
- Empty star
- django-bleach
- bootstrap-rating (https://github.com/dreyescat/bootstrap-rating)
- jquery-scrollto
- bootbox
- python-social-auth
- readmore.js
- Mobile design (Important!) (16-17)
Teacher InfoReview ListMinor fix for edit/delete functionReadmore
- Navbar
Fix search bar (Zooming problem, can copy google-style)Alignment problem
Form pageUse chrome devtools to checkReorder star rating up
Multiple small fixesAdd overall rating to desktopImage padding on mobileSmaller tags
Option for user to add/modify teacher's info (18-19)Link to image only, no direct uploadTo add:Option will be on menu bar or collapsed
Use simple model, view in admin dashboard
Search box suggestion(vietnamese support if possible)Social account linking and testingUser profile settings (only short_bio currently)Adjust subject field for review formChange to simple TextFieldAutocomplete jquery with teacher's subject
Fake account optionAnonymous option- Think of some fun names to randomize
Two write review boxesStudyTeacher
Optional voting (14-15)Dropdown, some values, optionalShow majority percentageSelect in form