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coredsl2 writer: surround operands in parentheses #89

coredsl2 writer: surround operands in parentheses

coredsl2 writer: surround operands in parentheses #89

GitHub Actions / Black failed May 15, 2024 in 0s

3 errors

Black found 3 errors


Check failure on line 77 in /home/runner/work/seal5/seal5/examples/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Black


     EXAMPLES_DIR / "cdsl" / "Example.core_desc",
 seal5_flow.load(cdsl_files, verbose=VERBOSE, overwrite=True)
 # Load test inputs
-test_files = [
+test_files = []
 seal5_flow.load(test_files, verbose=VERBOSE, overwrite=True)
 # Load YAML inputs
 cfg_files = [
     EXAMPLES_DIR / "cfg" / "llvm.yml",

Check failure on line 172 in /home/runner/work/seal5/seal5/seal5/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Black


             ("collect_immediate_operands", passes.collect_immediate_operands, {}),
             ("collect_operand_types", passes.collect_operand_types, {}),
             ("detect_side_effects", passes.detect_side_effects, {}),
             ("detect_inouts", passes.detect_inouts, {}),
             ("detect_registers", passes.detect_registers, {}),
-            ("write_cdsl_full", passes.write_cdsl, {"split": False, "compat": False})
+            ("write_cdsl_full", passes.write_cdsl, {"split": False, "compat": False}),
             # TODO: determine static constraints (xlen,...) -> subtargetvmap
             # detect memory adressing modes
             # self.detect_adressing_modes(verbose)  # TODO
             # detect legal GMIR ops (and map to selectiondag?)
             # self.detect_legal_ops(verbose=verbose)  # TODO

Check failure on line 244 in /home/runner/work/seal5/seal5/seal5/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Black


       , clone_url, ref=clone_ref,, git_settings=self.settings.git
             if force:
                 self.repo, sha, version_info = llvm.clone_llvm_repo(
-          , clone_url, ref=clone_ref, refresh=True,, git_settings=self.settings.git
+          ,
+                    clone_url,
+                    ref=clone_ref,
+                    refresh=True,
+          ,
+                    git_settings=self.settings.git,
         if self.settings.meta_dir.is_dir():
             if force is False and not utils.ask_user(
                 "Overwrite existing .seal5 diretcory?", default=False, interactive=interactive