Welcome to SentimentScan, the Yelp restaurant review sentiment analyzer! SentimentScan is a simple yet powerful web app that uses the BERT model to help you understand the sentiments expressed in Yelp restaurant reviews. Whether you're a restaurant owner looking for insights or just curious about what people think, SentimentScan has got you covered.
Follow these steps to run SentimentScan on your local machine:
Clone the SentimentScan repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone https://github.com/tuhinaww/SentimentScan.git
Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once the dependencies are installed, you can start the SentimentScan web app by running the following command in your terminal:
python yelp.py
This will launch the application locally, and you can access it in your web browser by going to http://your-ip:5000.