This repository provides launch, configuration and mesh files for a navstack demo with FS19_modROS.
- ROS Melodic
is run on a Linux host.
Python 3 is not a requirement on the Linux side.
ROS Noetic may work, but has not been tested by the authors.
The following instructions assume you'll clone the repository into your $HOME
If that's not the case, adjust paths where necessary.
# create a Catkin workspace
mkdir -p $HOME/catkin_fs/src
# clone fs_mod_ros into Catkin src space
git clone $HOME/catkin_fs/src/fs_mod_ros
# install all dependencies
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
rosdep update --rosdistro=$ROS_DISTRO
rosdep install -i --from-paths $HOME/catkin_fs/src
# build the workspace
catkin config --install -w $HOME/catkin_fs
catkin build -w $HOME/catkin_fs
# activate the workspace
source $HOME/catkin_fs/install/setup.bash
In one terminal:
source ~/catkin_fs/install/setup.bash
# launch the main entrypoint to running a simulated world within FarmSim
roslaunch fs_navigation farmsim_bringup.launch
With this, all required components have been set up, and we can proceed to run the ROS navigation stack.
In another terminal:
source ~/catkin_fs/install/setup.bash
roslaunch fs_navigation gmapping_demo.launch
In a third terminal:
source ~/catkin_fs/install/setup.bash
# visualize the messages in Rviz
roslaunch fs_viz rviz.launch
Some important parameters might need to be tuned:
in costmap_common_stvl.yaml: the default value (3 meters) can't be used because the z cooridante of the terrain is almost always larger than 3 meters. In town center area, the terrain is around 80m high. So here we set it 100m.
in gmapping.launch: is a score for considering the outcome of the scan matching good enough in gmapping. The default value is 0 which might cause jumping pose estimates in our application. Hence we set it to 100 to increase the trust to odometry information.
In a terminal:
source ~/catkin_fs/install/setup.bash
# launch the main entrypoint to running a simulated world within FarmSim
roslaunch fs_navigation farmsim_no_nav_bringup.launch
In another terminal:
source ~/catkin_fs/install/setup.bash
# visualize the messages in Rviz
roslaunch fs_viz rviz_no_nav.launch