Project to showcase a clients research and graphic design portfolio in an unorthodox way.
Freelance project working with a client.
Our aim is create a dynamic website which is engaging and promotes people to interact with the site for a sustained amount of time. Our client is a professor and freelance graphic designer who is looking to showcase both facets of their professional career (graphical and cultural research) on a single webpage.
- Using Astro we have built a unique website that allows the client to upload contemporary content to their site without needing to code.
- Using front facing Javascript for new techniques to ensure the website is authentic to the client and their design ideas.
- Working with a graphic designer (the client), we discovered the power figma can provide for realising ideas and sharing them clearly with others.
- Increasing the strength of our CSS skillset.
- File organisation for code.
- Collectively working on a project with a team of 3 to deal out tasks fairly.
- Independent scrolling for each side of the website.
- Mobile Version which stacks the two facets of the portfolio.