Display calendar, world time and sun/moon information
Inspired by iStatMenus
Requires python3; pip: ephem
Light mode color
Color in calendar, if SwiftBar fixes ANSI white color bug
*d* Today
-d- Holiday (defined in script)
City, UTC offset, daylight hh:mm, difference from yesterday mm:ss
below sorted by time
(orange/blue) current *date*/time, azimuth of sun, altitude of sun (if day)
(gray) azimuth of moon, altitude of moon (if visible), age of moon (d), percent of illumination
sunrise (dark blue) civil twilight [“blue hour”] start, (yellow) “golden hour” start, (red) sunrise, azimuth, (yellow) “golden hour” end
noon (red) time, azimuth
sunset (yellow) “golden hour” start, (red) sunrise, azimuth, (yellow) “golden hour” end, (dark blue) civil twilight [“blue hour”] end
(blue) moonrise date/time, azimuth
(blue) moonset date/time, azimuth
(gray) next 5 phases of moon