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Setup Instructions

Thomas Jensen edited this page Jul 16, 2018 · 3 revisions

How to use Fuse Core to build your own free production website


You need:

  • a GitHub account
    This is free, just sign up on their website if you didn't already.
  • the links to your social media profiles

No web development knowledge required! These instructions will guide you through the whole thing, until you have the running website.

Hint: The GitHub user ID and the "repository name" chosen later will make up your website URL. It will be Keep this in mind when choosing those names.


  1. Log in to GitHub and view the Fuse Core page.

  2. Create a fork by pressing the Fork button in the top right corner. This takes a short moment, after which you are in your own copy of the site at From now on, everything we do is in this copy (fork).

  3. Go to the Settings tab and find the Repository name input box. This is essentially the name of the website. Choose a name that consists only of lower-case letters, digits, and hyphens. Press Rename to activate.

  4. Click on the file called _config.yml. Edit it by pressing the little pen icon in the top right corner.

  5. Change the values of url and baseurl to match the names you chose above:

    baseurl: '/YOUR_REPO_NAME'
  6. Also change any of the other values to your liking. The links section is where your social media links are configured. Set the show field to true in order to display a link, or false to hide it.
    You may add more links if you want, and you can reorder the list to change the order of links on the website.

    Hint: The icons are Font Awesome icons. Choose any icon from their solid or brands galleries. For example, the little android robot can be chosen by giving fab fa-android as the value for the link's icon field. So you have fab for brands, or fas for solid.

  7. Save your changes by pressing the green Commit changes button at the bottom.

  8. Now go grab a coffee, as GitHub will need a few minutes to publish the site. On the Settings tab under GitHub Pages, there should (after a while) be a green box saying

    ✓ Your site is published at

That's it - congratulations! By the way, subsequent updates should be much faster and normally happen within seconds.
It is basically possible to even use your own domain name, but be warned: It is much harder to configure than the above. All the above steps are still needed, so the custom domain is something you can always add later.

Also, you may want to delete the README.* files - after all, it's your website now!

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