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kordwarshuis committed Sep 12, 2024
1 parent c06d232 commit 6878554
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion static/spec-up-t-demo/docs/index.html
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Expand Up @@ -10546,7 +10546,7 @@ <h2 id="outro"><a class="toc-anchor" href="#outro">§</a> Outro</h2>
* @license MIT
* @since 2024-06-09
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"i" : d, className: l, text: u }), n && ( = n), p.appendChild(u)), r.appendChild(p)), r.appendChild(c), s.appendChild(r), f && (e.ripple ? ( = f, s.appendChild(a)) : = f), e.dismissible && (a = this._createHTMLElement({ tagName: "div", className: "notyf__dismiss" }), f = this._createHTMLElement({ tagName: "button", className: "notyf__dismiss-btn" }), a.appendChild(f), r.appendChild(a), s.classList.add("notyf__toast--dismissible"), f.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { var n, s; null !== (s = (n =[o.Dismiss]) && void 0 !== s &&, { target: t, event: e }), e.stopPropagation() }))), s.addEventListener("click", (function (e) { var n, s; return null === (s = (n =[o.Click]) || void 0 === s ? void 0 :, { target: t, event: e }) })), e = "top" === this.getYPosition(e) ? "upper" : "lower", s.classList.add("notyf__toast--" + e), s }, d.prototype._createHTMLElement = function (t) { var i = t.tagName, e = t.className; t = t.text, i = document.createElement(i); return e && (i.className = e), i.textContent = t || null, i }, d.prototype._createA11yContainer = function () { var t = this._createHTMLElement({ tagName: "div", className: "notyf-announcer" }); t.setAttribute("aria-atomic", "true"), t.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"), = "0", = "rect(0 0 0 0)", = "1px", = "-1px", = "hidden", = "0", = "absolute", = "1px", = "0", document.body.appendChild(t), this.a11yContainer = t }, d.prototype._announce = function (t) { var i = this; this.a11yContainer.textContent = "", setTimeout((function () { i.a11yContainer.textContent = t }), 100) }, d.prototype._getAnimationEndEventName = function () { var t, i = document.createElement("_fake"), e = { MozTransition: "animationend", OTransition: "oAnimationEnd", WebkitTransition: "webkitAnimationEnd", transition: "animationend" }; for (t in e) if (void 0 !==[t]) return e[t]; return "animationend" }, d); function d() { this.notifications = [], = {}, this.X_POSITION_FLEX_MAP = { left: "flex-start", center: "center", right: "flex-end" }, this.Y_POSITION_FLEX_MAP = { top: "flex-start", center: "center", bottom: "flex-end" }; var t = document.createDocumentFragment(), i = this._createHTMLElement({ tagName: "div", className: "notyf" }); t.appendChild(i), document.body.appendChild(t), this.container = i, this.animationEndEventName = this._getAnimationEndEventName(), this._createA11yContainer() } function l(t) { var e = this; this.dismiss = this._removeNotification, this.notifications = new a, this.view = new p; var n = this.registerTypes(t); this.options = i(i({}, c), t), this.options.types = n, this.notifications.onUpdate((function (t, i) { return e.view.update(t, i) })), this.view.on(o.Dismiss, (function (t) { var i =; t = t.event; e._removeNotification(i), i.triggerEvent(o.Dismiss, t) })), this.view.on(o.Click, (function (t) { var i =; t = t.event; return i.triggerEvent(o.Click, t) })) } return l.prototype.error = function (t) { return t = this.normalizeOptions("error", t), }, l.prototype.success = function (t) { return t = this.normalizeOptions("success", t), }, = function (t) { var n = this.options.types.find((function (i) { return i.type === t.type })) || {}; n = i(i({}, n), t); return this.assignProps(["ripple", "position", "dismissible"], n), n = new e(n), this._pushNotification(n), n }, l.prototype.dismissAll = function () { for (; this.notifications.splice(0, 1);); }, l.prototype.assignProps = function (t, i) { var e = this; t.forEach((function (t) { i[t] = (null == i[t] ? e.options : i)[t] })) }, l.prototype._pushNotification = function (t) { var i = this; this.notifications.push(t); var e = (void 0 !== t.options.duration ? t : this).options.duration; e && setTimeout((function () { return i._removeNotification(t) }), e) }, l.prototype._removeNotification = function (t) { -1 !== (t = this.notifications.indexOf(t)) && this.notifications.splice(t, 1) }, l.prototype.normalizeOptions = function (t, e) { return t = { type: t }, "string" == typeof e ? t.message = e : "object" == typeof e && (t = i(i({}, t), e)), t }, l.prototype.registerTypes = function (t) { var e = (t && t.types || []).slice(); return (t) { var n = -1; e.forEach((function (i, e) { i.type === t.type && (n = e) })); var o = -1 !== n ? e.splice(n, 1)[0] : {}; return i(i({}, t), o) })).concat(e) }, l }(), notyf = new Notyf({ types: [{ type: "success", background: "#1D6DAE", duration: 3e3 }, { type: "error", background: "orange", duration: 1e7, dismissible: !0 }] });
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