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trueberryless committed Feb 17, 2024
1 parent 2b09d88 commit d79bb4b
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Showing 32 changed files with 570 additions and 420 deletions.
110 changes: 63 additions & 47 deletions app/curriculum-vitae.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,30 @@
import React from "react";
import Image from "next/image";
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge";
import { TracingBeam } from "@/components";
import { TracingBeam, TypewriterEffectSmooth } from "@/components";

export function CurriculumVitae() {
const words = [
text: "The",
text: "journey",
className: "text-blue-500 dark:text-blue-500",
text: "begins",
text: "here.",

return (
<TracingBeam className="">
<div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center h-[10rem]">
<TypewriterEffectSmooth words={words} />
<div className="max-w-2xl mx-auto antialiased pt-4 relative">
{, index) => (
<div key={`content-${index}`} className="mb-10">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -37,72 +56,69 @@ export function CurriculumVitae() {

const dummyContent = [
title: "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet",
title: "From primary school to college",
description: (
Sit duis est minim proident non nisi velit non consectetur. Esse adipisicing
laboris consectetur enim ipsum reprehenderit eu deserunt Lorem ut aliqua anim
do. Duis cupidatat qui irure cupidatat incididunt incididunt enim magna id est
qui sunt fugiat. Laboris do duis pariatur fugiat Lorem aute sit ullamco. Qui
deserunt non reprehenderit dolore nisi velit exercitation Lorem qui do enim
culpa. Aliqua eiusmod in occaecat reprehenderit laborum nostrud fugiat voluptate
do Lorem culpa officia sint labore. Tempor consectetur excepteur ut fugiat
veniam commodo et labore dolore commodo pariatur.
Dolor minim irure ut Lorem proident. Ipsum do pariatur est ad ad veniam in
commodo id reprehenderit adipisicing. Proident duis exercitation ad quis ex
cupidatat cupidatat occaecat adipisicing.
Tempor quis dolor veniam quis dolor. Sit reprehenderit eiusmod reprehenderit
deserunt amet laborum consequat adipisicing officia qui irure id sint
adipisicing. Adipisicing fugiat aliqua nulla nostrud. Amet culpa officia aliquip
deserunt veniam deserunt officia adipisicing aliquip proident officia sunt.
My journey begins in 2005, when I was born on 20 February. I started primary
school in 2011 and eight years later I left secondary school. The first big
decision of my life after grammar school was to go to technical college. And I
completed this educational unit in Krems an der Donau in 2024.
<br />
badge: "React",
image: "",
badge: "Education",
image: "/cv/education.jpg",
title: "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet",
title: "Internships and their advantages",
description: (
Ex irure dolore veniam ex velit non aute nisi labore ipsum occaecat deserunt
cupidatat aute. Enim cillum dolor et nulla sunt exercitation non voluptate qui
aliquip esse tempor. Ullamco ut sunt consectetur sint qui qui do do qui do.
Labore laborum culpa magna reprehenderit ea velit id esse adipisicing deserunt
amet dolore. Ipsum occaecat veniam commodo proident aliqua id ad deserunt dolor
aliquip duis veniam sunt.
In dolore veniam excepteur eu est et sunt velit. Ipsum sint esse veniam fugiat
esse qui sint ad sunt reprehenderit do qui proident reprehenderit. Laborum
exercitation aliqua reprehenderit ea sint cillum ut mollit.
I started doing internships during my technical colleague&apos;s summer
holidays. These are extremely helpful for gaining real-life work experience that
can&apos;t be learnt at school. This has also enabled me to find out which
sectors in the information technology field I like and which I don&apos;t like.
Because I prefer to work on the frontend rather than the backend. However, I
also really like the backend, as long as it is not an outdated and poorly
documented programming language.
<br />
badge: "Changelog",
image: "",
badge: "Work experience",
image: "/cv/work_experience.webp",
title: "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet",
title: "Tennis, golf and Rocket League",
description: (
Ex irure dolore veniam ex velit non aute nisi labore ipsum occaecat deserunt
cupidatat aute. Enim cillum dolor et nulla sunt exercitation non voluptate qui
aliquip esse tempor. Ullamco ut sunt consectetur sint qui qui do do qui do.
Labore laborum culpa magna reprehenderit ea velit id esse adipisicing deserunt
amet dolore. Ipsum occaecat veniam commodo proident aliqua id ad deserunt dolor
aliquip duis veniam sunt.
My father taught me to play golf at a very early age, as he is also a keen
golfer himself. As a result, I have always been fascinated by beautiful golf
courses, where I have always found my peace and connection with nature.
<br />
But golf is not my only hobby. I have had many hobbies over the years. For some
months I was in love with the magic of card tricks and couldn&apos;t stop
practising them and improving my dexterity. However, that too has now stopped. I
also love to play tennis, both big and small, and the more subtle table tennis.
<br />
In terms of video and board games, I&apos;ve never been interested in
first-person shooters and the like. I much prefer to play 2D platformers, the
best by far still being Celeste, and racing games such as Trackmania or Rocket
League. Speaking of board games, if you ever want to play a game of chess
against me, I&apos;m up for it.
badge: "Launch Week",
image: "",
badge: "Hobbies",
image: "/cv/hobbies.jpg",
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions app/header.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import { SparklesCore } from "@/components";
import { BackgroundBeams, SparklesCore } from "@/components";

export default function Header() {
return (
<div className="h-[100vh] w-full bg-black flex flex-col items-center justify-center overflow-hidden rounded-md">
<div className="h-[100vh] w-full bg-black flex flex-col items-center justify-center rounded-md">
<h6 className="md:text-md text-sm lg:text-lg text-center text-gray-500 relative z-20">
<h1 className="md:text-7xl text-3xl lg:text-9xl font-bold text-center text-white relative z-20">
Felix Schneider
<div className="w-[40rem] h-40 relative">
{/* Gradients */}
Expand All @@ -18,14 +21,16 @@ export default function Header() {
className="w-full h-full"

{/* Radial Gradient to prevent sharp edges */}
<div className="absolute inset-0 w-full h-full bg-black [mask-image:radial-gradient(350px_200px_at_top,transparent_20%,white)]"></div>
<div className="absolute w-full h-full bg-gradient-to-b from-transparent via-transparent to-black z-10"></div>
<BackgroundBeams />
32 changes: 26 additions & 6 deletions app/images.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,34 @@
import { ParallaxScroll } from "@/components";
import { ParallaxScroll, TypewriterEffectSmooth } from "@/components";

export default function Images() {
return <ParallaxScroll images={images} />;
const words = [
text: "Look",
text: "at",
text: "those",
text: "pics.",
className: "text-blue-500 dark:text-blue-500",

return (
<div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center h-[10rem]">
<TypewriterEffectSmooth words={words} />
<ParallaxScroll images={images} />

const images = [
Expand All @@ -15,8 +39,4 @@ const images = [
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion app/page.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import { BackgroundBeams } from "@/components";
import { CurriculumVitae } from "./curriculum-vitae";
import { Footer } from "./footer";
import Header from "./header";
Expand All @@ -9,10 +10,13 @@ export default function Home() {
return (
<Header />
{/* <CurriculumVitae /> */}
<CurriculumVitae />
<div className="h-40"></div>
<Projects />
<div className="h-40"></div>
<Images />
<SocialMedia />
<div className="h-10"></div>
<Footer />
Expand Down
30 changes: 26 additions & 4 deletions app/projects.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,35 @@
import { CardBody, CardContainer, CardItem, FollowerPointerCard, HoverEffect } from "@/components";
import {
} from "@/components";
import Image from "next/image";
import React from "react";

export function Projects() {
const words = [
text: "My",
text: "favourite",
className: "text-blue-500 dark:text-blue-500",
text: "personal",
text: "projects.",

return (
<h1 className="md:text-4xl text-xl text-center text-white relative z-20 pb-20">
<div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center h-[10rem]">
<TypewriterEffectSmooth words={words} />
<div className="max-w-5xl mx-auto px-10 lg:flex lg:justify-between lg:items-center">
<CardContainer className="inter-var">
<CardBody className="bg-gray-50 relative group/card dark:hover:shadow-2xl dark:hover:shadow-emerald-500/[0.1] dark:bg-black dark:border-white/[0.2] border-black/[0.1] w-auto sm:w-2xl h-auto rounded-xl p-6 border">
Expand Down
36 changes: 29 additions & 7 deletions app/social-media.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { AnimatedTooltip } from "@/components";
import { AnimatedTooltip, TypewriterEffectSmooth } from "@/components";

const links = [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,13 +74,35 @@ const links = [

export default function SocialMedia() {
const words = [
text: "Welcome",
text: "to",
text: "the",
text: "trueberryless",
className: "text-blue-500 dark:text-blue-500",
text: "network!",

return (
<div className="w-full grid gap-20">
<h1 className="md:text-4xl text-xl text-center text-white relative z-20">
Social Media
<div className="flex flex-row items-center justify-center mb-10 w-full">
<AnimatedTooltip items={links} />
<div className="h-[50rem] w-full dark:bg-black bg-white dark:bg-dot-white/[0.2] bg-dot-black/[0.2] relative flex items-center justify-center">
<div className="absolute pointer-events-none inset-0 flex items-center justify-center dark:bg-black bg-white [mask-image:radial-gradient(ellipse_at_center,transparent_20%,black)]"></div>
<div className="flex flex-col items-center justify-center h-[10rem]">
<TypewriterEffectSmooth words={words} />
<div className="flex flex-row items-center justify-center mb-10 w-full">
<AnimatedTooltip items={links} />
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions components/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ export * from "./ui/sparkles";
export * from "./ui/infinite-moving-cards";
export * from "./ui/parallax-scroll";
export * from "./ui/animated-tooltip";
export * from "./ui/sticky-scroll-reveal";
export * from "./ui/tracing-beam";
export * from "./ui/card-hover-effect";
export * from "./ui/following-pointer";
export * from "./ui/3d-card";
export * from "./ui/google-gemini-effect";
export * from "./ui/background-beams";
export * from "./ui/typewriter-effect";

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