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Chirp for React Native

See Getting Started with React Native

Under the Building Projects with Native Code tab.

See our blog post for how to get started with Chirp and React Native in your own projects.

Getting Started

To get started right with Chirp and React Native you can use our example project.

You will need to sign up to the Chirp Developer Hub, and copy your Chirp app key and secret into App.js.

  1. Clone the project

    git clone

  2. Install node_modules

    cd chirp-react-native

    yarn install

  3. [iOS only] install dependencies

    cd ios

    pod install

  4. Enter your application key and secret into App.js.



  5. Run the demo.

    react-native run-ios

    react-native run-android


Follow the instructions below to get started with Chirp in your own project.

You will need to sign up to the Chirp Developer Hub, and copy your Chirp app key and secret into App.js.


Open the xcode project in the /ios folder, and build first of all. See Troubleshooting section.

Then follow Install the SDK steps at Getting Started [iOS] to include the Chirp SDK into your project.

Copy RCTChirpConnect.m and RCTChirpConnect.h to your project.


Open the /android folder in Android Studio, and check the project builds. See Troubleshooting section.

Then follow the Install the SDK steps at Getting Started [Android] to include the Chirp SDK into your project.

Copy and to the project.

Import into your

import com.chirpconnect.rctchirpconnect.RCTChirpConnectPackage;

Add the package to the getPackages function

  protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
    return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
        new MainReactPackage(),
        new RCTChirpConnectPackage()  // <---


Now the setup is complete, you can add the Chirp SDK to your React Native application. You can use the react-native-permissions package to ensure that microphone permissions have been granted.

yarn add react-native-permissions

In App.js

import { NativeEventEmitter, NativeModules } from 'react-native';
import Permissions from 'react-native-permissions';

const ChirpConnect = NativeModules.ChirpConnect;
const ChirpConnectEmitter = new NativeEventEmitter(ChirpConnect);

export default class App extends Component<{}> {

  async componentDidMount() {
    const response = await Permissions.check('microphone')
    if (response !== 'authorized') {
      await Permissions.request('microphone')

    this.onReceived = ChirpConnectEmitter.addListener(
      (event) => {
        if ( {
          this.setState({ data: });
    this.onError = ChirpConnectEmitter.addListener(
      'onError', (event) => { console.warn(event.message) }

    ChirpConnect.init(key, secret);

  componentWillUnmount() {


// Initialise the SDK.
ChirpConnect.init(String key, String secret)

// Set default configuration from the network
await ChirpConnect.setConfigFromNetwork()

// Explicitly set the config string
ChirpConnect.setConfig(String config)

// Start the SDK

// Stop the SDK

// Send an array of bytes to the speaker
ChirpConnect.send(Array data)

// Send a random array of bytes to the speaker

// This event is called when the state of the SDK changes.
// The event contains the following body, where the state constants are accessible from the ChirpConnect interface.
// { "status": ChirpConnect.CHIRP_CONNECT_STATE_RUNNING }
ChirpConnectEmitter.addListener('onStateChanged', (event) => {})

// This event is called when the SDK begins sending data.
// The event contains the following body.
// { "data": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }
ChirpConnectEmitter.addListener('onSending', (event) => {})

// This event is called when the SDK has finished sending data.
// The event contains the following body.
// { "data": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }
ChirpConnectEmitter.addListener('onSent', (event) => {})

// This event is called when the SDK has started to receive data.
ChirpConnectEmitter.addListener('onReceiving', () => {})

// This event is called when the SDK has finished receiving data.
// The event contains the following body.
// { "data": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] }
ChirpConnectEmitter.addListener('onReceived', (event) => {})

// This event is called if the SDK encounters an error.
// The event contains the following body.
// { "message": "An error has occurred" }
ChirpConnectEmitter.addListener('onError', (event) => {})


React Native with native support doesn't work so well out of the box, so here are some things that can go wrong.


  • Add react-native modules to header search paths. Open ios/.xcodeproj. Go to Project -> Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Header Search Paths add the following with recursive set.


  • Create js bundle [No main.jsbundle found]

    react-native bundle --entry-file ./index.js --platform ios --bundle-output ios/main.jsbundle

  • Fix third party modules [config.h file not found]

    cd node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4



  • Use java 8 [Could not initialize class]

    brew tap caskroom/versions brew cask install java8 export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_162.jdk/Contents/Home

  • Upgrade gradle to 2.3.3 by updating build.gradle


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  • Java 45.4%
  • Objective-C 32.1%
  • JavaScript 15.1%
  • Python 6.3%
  • Ruby 1.1%