Set of plugins and vim configuration. Uses vundle to organize plugins.
- Tree view
- Tag view
- Binds
for saving (like windows). - Search text pattern on each source file from (current working) directory recursively
- In your home directory, execute
$ git clone [email protected]:tristanperalta/vimfiles.git
- Remove existing
directory and.vimrc
file and create symlinks
$ [ -d ${HOME} ] || mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/nvim
- Install minpac
$ git clone [email protected]:k-takata/minpac.git $HOME/.config/nvim/pack/minpac/opt/minpac
$ vim -c ':PackUpdate'
- For the Ctrl-s to work properly, add this to your .bashrc file
$ echo "stty stop ''" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
- Install fonts (optional, only when using X display such as gVim)
$ sudo apt-get install ttf-inconsolata
$ sudo fc-cache -fv # update font-cache
- Add this line to
export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='rg --files'
- Install
sudo apt install ripgrep
To fix the redraw problem on Ubuntu, go to Compiz Setup Manager → Workarounds → (check) "Force full screen redraw (buffer swap) on repaint"
- to open fuzzy matching,
- to open tree view, hit
- to comment multiple lines, select lines
(using visual or select from mouse),
- Hold
to move between buffers - Hold
to delete current buffer (close file).
- ack.vim - type - A to initiate search
- delimitmate - autocompletion of quotes, parenthesis, brackets etc.
- CtrlP - implements TextMate cmd-T functionality
- html5.vim - syntax for HTML 5
- minibufexpl.vim - buffer explorer
- nerdcommenter - for easy commenting
- nerdtree - file tree explorer
- snipmate.vim - implements TextMate snippets feature
- vim-colors-solarized
- vim-easymotion - Simple way to use motions
- vim-jquery - jQuery syntax
- vim-fugitive - Git support
- vim-rails - Ruby on Rails tools
- vim-surround - surrounding parenthesis, brackets, quotes, XML and more