For a UI/UX class project, we created a live-filtering webpage, similar to Netflix’s content page. The ability of a user on Netflix to see the spread of content, sort and filter the items on certain categories, and favorite specific items is what makes it a live-filtering webpage. Our webpage, Server Search , includes the same functionality.
Link to page:
Traditionally, websites have been created with HTML and CSS. However, these languages do not allow for dynamic displays and filtering. Therefore, we achieved this functionality by using the language React, which allows a programmer to incorporate HTML and CSS along with Javascript and organizational structures called components which allowed for more leverage to control the webpage.
As such, the focus of our project was on demonstrating a proficiency in React to allow for filtering on at least two filters, sorting the items on one category, and allowing items to be favorited, and a favorite-only view to be toggled.
Following design principles in class, we used a simple color pallette of only two primary colors and greyscale. We only use one font, and we make use of whitespace to differentiate objects, as well as repetition to group objects with common functionality (like the servers and the filters). We visibly change the text of the filter buttons and color of the favorite buttons to make clear how user interactions change the state of the app.
The App component’s state contains a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary holds information about a server. App renders a SortedList, passing it the servers, and an empty list to hold the names of favorited servers.
SortedList accesses the servers as props, and maintains a state variable “criteria”, which is either Alphabetical or Unsorted. It renders a dropdown button which allows users to select the sorting criteria, changing the value of “criteria” appropriately. It also renders FilteredList, passing it a sorted server list, and the favorites list.
FilteredList maintains state variables “search”, “type”, “location”, and “favoritesOnly”. “favoritesOnly” indicates whether the user has checked the box to only see favorites. FilteredList renders the filtering dropdown buttons and the checkbox, which change the corresponding state variables according to user input. It also renders all of the servers in its sorted list (accessed through props) that meet the filtering criteria.
Servers are passed their name, type, location, and the favorites list. When a server’s favorite button is clicked, it adds its name to the favorites list. It removes its name when unfavorited. Servers maintain the state variable “serverIcon” so that anyone can easily find and change the small server icon next to “CIT”.
Server Search is designed for CS students at Brown University to easily locate servers and machines in the Center for Information Technology (CIT). Students can access the servers remotely or in-person. Having spent lots of time around these servers, we realized that it might be helpful for students to have a tool like this that allows them to remember which machine they were working on if they can only remember that it was some type of food, for instance, or that it was on the 2nd floor. If the website was further developed to save user data, it could even keep track of users’ favorite machines and allow them to quickly reference their names and locations during a busy night of CS.