A C library for k-nearest neighbor search in N-dimensions with arbitrary metric functions.
- is simple to use
- is flexible (custom distance functions)
- provides API interfaces for C, C++ and Python
- written in ISO C99
- has no external dependencies
- is small and fast
- is well documented
Closest is licensed under the GPL-3.0 (see the LICENSE file for details).
Find the k = 10 nearest neighbors to a point x in an array data of 1000 points in d = 20 dimensions:
int d = 20;
int k = 10;
int n = 1000;
double *data[n*d] has been filled with 1000 points in d=20 dimensions, each
of the 20 coordinates for a point followed by the next until all 1000
are specified.
x is the point where the nearest neighbors query is done
/* initialize the search */
cell_t *cell = cell_init( d, n, data, -1 );
int i_cell[k];
int d_cell[k];
/* cell_knearest returns
in i_cell, the index for the points in the `data` array of the k-nearest neighbors to x
in d_cell, the distances for those same points to x */
cell_knearest( cell, 1, x, k, i_cell, d_cell );
Closest uses cmake as build system. To build and install a dynamic version of closest in /usr/local:
Documentation is available at http://trifling-matters.com/closest.html.
The documentation source is in the doc/
subdirectory. To generate
the HTML documentation, invoke:
$ make html
Then, point your browser to doc/bld/index.html