- Install World of Hello at https://www.worldofhello.org/download.html. The Android, iOS, and Windows versions are all considered development environments (for example, mobile users can also develop).
- Run the Hello application (any version; mobile, web, or desktop).
- Press the "Sign In" button and sign into an account with permissions to LAMAT (If you do not have an account with granted permissions, use account LAMATTester with password LAMAT1)
- Press the "Search Worlds" button and enter the world "LAMAT".
That's it. To edit/view existing code, press the "Menu" button on the top-right of the screen, and go to "Scripts". To edit/view existing files, press the "Menu" button on the top-right of the screen, and go to "Files". Editing scripts can be done by opening a file/script, making changes, and then pressing "Push to Server". This activates the Git script which will ask to push to Git (optional). Regardless if you push to git or not, your changes will be saved into the Hello server, and pushed to all online users (or offline users when they next connect).
- Install World of Hello at https://www.worldofhello.org/download.html. The Android, iOS, and Windows versions are all considered development environments (for example, mobile users can also develop).
- Run the Hello application (any version; mobile, web, or desktop).
- Press the "Sign In" button and sign into an account or the "Register" button to create an account.
- Press the "Create World" button and fill out the information, including giving your application a name.
- Download the LAMAT git files, either using the git command or by downloading a zip from the github site, and saving them locally.
- Press the "Menu" button on the top-right of the Hello screen.
- Go to "Files", press "Upload New", and upload the LAMAT scripts and files their corresponding git directories.
That's it.