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Trevor DeVore edited this page Jul 27, 2018 · 9 revisions

SQL Yoga

Database library for LiveCode

This repository hosts the source code for the SQL Yoga library for LiveCode. While the library can be used independently of any framework, SQL Yoga is distributed as a Helper for the Levure framework.

Adding SQL Yoga to a Levure application

Add as a helper

The simplest way is to download the SQL Yoga repository, rename the folder to "sql yoga" and place it in your applications "helpers" folder. The next time you open your application in the IDE SQL Yoga will be loaded.

Configure app.yml

In the app.yml file you tell SQL Yoga where to find your database configuration files. Add the following to the app.yml file.


sql yoga:
    - filename: ./database

Create the database folder

Since you told SQL Yoga that configuration files are stored in a database folder you now need to create the folder. Create the database folder in the app folder (alongside the ui, behaviors, etc. folders).

Configuring SQL Yoga

Create the connections.yml file

In the ./app/database folder create a file named connections.yml. Configure a connection that points to the database file. Here is a SQLite example that points to a .sqlite file in the ./app/database folder:

default connection: local
    adaptor: sqlite
    file: ./database/to-do.sqlite

Import an existing database schema

  1. Open your Levure application in the LiveCode IDE.
  2. In the message box call dbconn_connect.
  3. In the message box call sqlyogadev_saveSchemaToYAML;put the result.

You will now find a schema.yml file in your ./app/database folder. It contains a YAML represenation of the database. If any errors occurred they will be reported in the message box due to the addition of ;put the result.

Updating the database schema if it is modified

If you modify the database schema in a 3rd party application you will need to update the schema.yml file.

  1. Open your Levure application in the LiveCode IDE.
  2. In the message box call dbconn_connect.
  3. In the message box call dbsynch_schemaWithDatabase.
  4. In the message box call sqlyogadev_saveSchemaToYAML;put the result.

The ./app/database/schema.yml file will now be updated to match your database schema.

Create a database

SQL Yoga allows you to create a database from scratch using a YAML file as well.

  1. Create a migrate folder in your ./app/database folder.
  2. Create a file named 001_create_tables.yml in the ./app/database/migrate folder.
  3. Add the following YAML to the file:
  create tables:
  1. For each table you want to create add the following:
    - name: TABLE_NAME
        - { name: FIELD_NAME, type: FIELD_TYPE }
  1. Open your Levure application open in the Livecode IDE.
  2. In the message box call sqlyogadev_runMigrations;put the result.

Your database will now have the tables and fields you specified and the ./app/database/schema.yml file will contain the new schema. If any errors occurred they will be reported in the message box due to the addition of ;put the result.

You can also create new records in the migration file.

  create tables:
  create records:
    - table: TABLE_NAME