Gear up is a peer-to-peer outdoor / recreational gear sharing service. Colorado is known for it vibrant outdoor community. Whether it's camping, kayaking, snowboarding, or mountain biking, Colorado has invigorating outdoor activities for every season. Unfortunately, acquiring the necessary equipment to participate in these activities can often be prohibitively expensive. We at Gear Up feel that every person has the right to enjoy to great outdoors of this state. Our application allows users to post their excess or unused gear for daily rental by those who want to try something new, or presently do not have the means to purchase recreational equipment.
As a prospective lender:
- Create a profile with your email & credit card information
- Fill out our add gear form
- Click on update in order to update or delete a post
- Your gear will be posted to our site and you should expect requests very soon!
As a user:
- Create a profile with your email & credit card information
- Browse by category or search
- Request to book with a short message to the lender
- You will be notified within 24 hours of the status of your request, and arrangements will be made between you and the lender
React.js Express.js Knex Postgresql Semantic UI - react Cypress Firebase Authentication
Allison Livingston, David Gurley, Keith Decker, Matthew Hyrka, Shaun Carter
Allison Livingston
Email: [email protected]
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details