- A flexible tool for demultiplexing FASTQ files containing barcodes
- Splits FASTQ files into separate output files based on barcode sequence
- Supports both
compression formats - Written in Rust using
demux_barcodes \
sample_R1.fastq.gz \
sample_R2.fastq.gz \
- --output-path: Specify the directory where the output files will be written
- --nthreads: Set the number of threads to use
- --compress-algo: Choose the output compression algorithm (gz/gzip or zstd)
- --compress-level: Define the compression level (e.g., 0 means default; valid ranges: 0-9 for gzip, 0-22 for zstd).
- --verbose: Enable verbose output (0 or 1).
Rust must be installed:
- via official shell script (https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)
- or via conda
conda install -c conda-forge rust
Compile executable:
cargo build --release
Executable demux_barcodes
is located in targets
folder and can be moved anywhere.
- The barcode config file controls how barcodes are searched in each read pair
- There is a simple and advanced config format
- The configuration files can be tab or comma delimited
Simple configuration
Two columns, no column header: barcode_name
and barcode_sequence
. This will search for barcode sequences anywhere within the read pair, with a maximum edit distance of 1. If found, reads will be demultiplexed into files named based on barcode_name
Don't use any weird symbols for barcode_name
as it will be part of the output file path.
Advanced configuration
Five columns, no column header:
, barcode_sequence
, max_edit_distance
, Read1_config
, Read2_config
(See next section)
For each read in the pair, this parameter is specified as a coupled value with two components separated by a slash. The first component is the Barcode Direction and the second is the Match Position.
Forward barcode sequence only: `F`, `Fwd`, `Forward`
Reverse Complement barcode sequence only: `RC`, `RevComp`, `Reverse Complement`
Allow matches to either direction: `E`, `Either`
Match only at the start of the read: `S`, `Start`
Match only at the end of the read: `E`, `End`
Match anywhere in the read: `A`, `Any`, `Anywhere`
Specify as BarcodeDirection/MatchPosition. E.g., F/A
for searching for the forward barcode sequence with a match allowed anywhere. Leave the value blank or use NA
if not allowing any match for that read in the pair.