This repository contains information on the analysis about the effect of women's representation and college majors, on the average median incomes
This project is an extension to the project done by FiveThirtyEight.
The link to their repository
The result of their project was published as an article The Economic Guide To Picking A College Major on their website in 2014.
In this project, I will be using the cleaned dataset from FiveThirtyEight. However, instead of producing visualizations and tables as what they did for the article, I will be looking for a model, that can some how explains the median income. Additionally, I will create new variable(s) for my model.
Original Data
The original dataset is from American Community Survey 2010-2012 Public Use Microdata Series.
Link to the original ACS data
Link to the documentation
Cleaned dataset
This file contains the first cleaned dataset from FiveThirtyEight
This file contains the second cleaned dataset from FiveThirtyEight. ShareOfWomen was added
My version of the data, combined from all-ages.csv and . Added a new variable called Engineering, which takes value 1 if the major falls under category Engineering, and 0 otherwise.
The R script that I created to build and test my model of interest
This file contains the results of the project, and its supported visualizations. The result was given in a presentation for MATH 215 at Denison University