And Android Library to make Http Query Easy.
//Create a callback for your Async Query: HttpQueryCallback.
HttpAsyncQuery.HttpQueryCallback callback = new HttpAsyncQuery.HttpQueryCallback (){
//Your own implementation
create your downloader. optional, (it exist default one).
It allow to specify how the queryer would read and build body response.
Default read and return plain text
HttpAsyncQuery.HttpDownloadHandler downloader = new HttpAsyncQuery.HttpDownloadHandler (){
//Your own implementation
create an Http Query
can also use MutipartHttpQuery, BodyPartHttpQuery or your own HttpQuery<?> child class instance
SimpleHttpQuery http = new SimpleHttpQuery();
//add http parm to your http httpAsyncQuery
//build and call your Async Http Query. for example a GET
.useEncoding("UTF-8")//optional default =UTF-8
.useBufferSize(1024)//optional default=1024
.useDownloader(downloader)//optional default download plain/text.
.setQueryCallback(callback)//add a callback to call when request completed
//.doGet(callback, ""); //make a GET Request with a specific callback
Just add the dependency to your build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation ''
Library is compatible with Android 2.3 and newer.
add the dependency to your pom.xml: