is a project of the OSM Verkehrswende Berlin Usergroup.
Core features are:
- Show existing bicyle parking data from OSM in as statistics and on a map.
- Compare external OpenData of bicycle parking data and bicycle rental data with data from OSM. This allows to validate OpenData sets and manually add bicycle parking infrastructure to OSM (ground truth).
You can start it by your own using Docker.
The script links your local development directory as volume into the container.
- Building a local image:
- Download and Link a pbf-File:
# Here as example of Brandenburg incl. Berlin
ln -s brandenburg-latest.osm.pbf import.osm.pbf
- Start container and import data
- Work with the container
# Preparation
# 1. Load external assets
./ download_js
# Update Database
./ update
# 2. Import or update external data
./ external
# 3. Import or update rental stations
./ rental
# 4. Import import.osm.pbf
./ reimport
# Development
# Start Webapp
./ webapp
# Need to Open the Browser
If you want to persit your data in the database you need to edit
by adding a database volume:
# create a Volume / otherwise you can use a local directory
docker volume create pgdata
# docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=bikeparking -p -v `pwd`:/bikeparking --rm -d --name $CONTAINER_NAME bikeparking
docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=bikeparking -p -v `pwd`:/bikeparking -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data --rm -d --name $CONTAINER_NAME bikeparking