I often directly use terminal for small modifications in my Laravel project and i was bored to cd'ing (to many time) in Controllers, go to Views, then Models and come back to root folder to migrate and so on. So i've made this simple CLI tools for my own purpose and can be usefull for some people. This little tiny "project" is not maintened nor updated. You should use at your own risk.
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tonywateround/larapath/main/install_larapath.sh --output install_larapath.sh
$ chmod +x install_larapath.sh && . ./install_larapath.sh
- Set your Laravel project path by running
$ larapath --path
or$ larapath -p
- Then, see availables options by running
$ larapath --help
or$ larapath -h
$ larapath --uninstall