This repo collects my programming assignments I've done in Chung Hsing University.
Semester | Class Number | Course Name | Instructor |
1081 | 3341 | 資料壓縮導論 Introduction to Data Compression |
吳俊霖 Jiunn-Lin, Wu |
1081 | 4228 | 資訊檢索導論 Introduction to Information Retrieval |
范耀中 Yao-Chung, Fan |
1081 | 4231 | 強化式機器學習導論 Introduction to Reinforcement Learning |
陳煥 Huan, Chen |
1082 | 2347 | 演算法 Algorithms |
范耀中 Yao-Chung, Fan |
1082 | 2351 | 組合語言與系統程式 Assembly Language and System Programming |
郭姝妤 Shu-Yu, Kuo |
1082 | 3110 | 檔案處理與輸出入系統 File Processing and I/O Systems |
張軒彬 Hsung-Pin, Chang |
1082 | 3195 | 大數據分析與應用 Analysis and Application of Big Data |
蔡孟勳 Meng-Hsiun, Tsai |
1082 | 3360 | 資料庫管理系統導論 Introduction to Database Management System |
賈坤芳 Kuen-Fang, Jea |
1091 | 1234 | 機率 Probability |
吳俊霖 Jiunn-Lin, Wu |
1091 | 3171 | 作業系統 Operating Systems |
張軒彬 Hsung-Pin, Chang |
1091 | 3313 | 網路安全導論 Introduction to Network Security |
郭姝妤 Shu-Yu, Kuo |
1092 | 3132 | 色彩科學導論與應用 Introduction to Color Science and Applications |
王宗銘 Chung-Ming, Wang |
1092 | 3311 | 智慧物聯網應用與實作 Artificial Intelligent Internet of Things (AIoT) Application and Implementation |
陳煥 Huan, Chen |