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Tom Doel edited this page Jun 29, 2017 · 3 revisions

These are the shortcuts used when using the graphical user interface (GUI) of the Toolkit.

Keyboard and mouse shortcuts

Imaging data

  • Page Down - Load next series for this subject
  • Page Up - Load previous series for this subject
  • End - Load next subject
  • Home - Load previous subject
  • Insert - import data
  • Backspace/`Delete' - delete current series (except in marker mode)


  • C - coronal mode
  • S - sagittal mode
  • A - axial mode


  • Z - zoom mode
  • P - pan mode
  • N - cine mode (drag to cine)
  • M - marker mode
  • W - window/level mode (drag to change window and level)
  • E - edit mode (available when a segmentation has been selected)

Image viewing

  • I - toggle image on/off
  • O - toggle segmentation overlay on/off
  • T - toggle whether black in an overlay image is transparent
  • SHIFT+mouse drag - pan (in any mode)
  • CTRL+mouse drag - zoom (in any mode)

Cine through image slices

  • Down Arrow - next slice
  • Up Arrow - next slice
  • mouse scrollwheel / trackpad - cine through images

Marker mode shortcuts

  • L - Toggle marker labels on/off (marker mode)
  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - change colour of next marker to place
  • Backspace/`Delete' - delete the marker the mouse is currently over
  • Space - Cine to the nearest image slice containing a marker
  • Right Arrow - Cine forward 10 slices, but stop at a slice if it contains a marker
  • Left Arrow - Cine back 10 slices, but stop at a slice if it contains a marker
  • Right Arrow - Cine forward 10 slices, but stop at a slice if it contains a marker
  • [ (Page Up before version 0.8) - Cine to the first slice in the image containing a marker, or to the beginning of the image if the current slice contains the first marker
  • ] (Page Down before version 0.8) - Cine to the last slice in the image containing a marker, or to the end of the image if the current slice contains the last marker

Segmentation editing mode shortcuts

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - change colour of paintbrush (when available)
  • u - undo last edit
  • space - show context menu