I'm a Software Engineer
and Open Source Contributor
from Rio de Janeiro.
Here's some of what I've had the opportunity of contributing so far.
String projectName = "Spring Cloud AWS";
String projectDescription = "The project aims to simplify "
+ "integrating Spring applications with AWS services.";
String myContribution = "I've had the opportunity to rewrite "
+ "the SQS integration from the ground up. Now I'm the SQS Lead and project maintainer. ";
Integer linesOfCodeAndDocsCommited = 30_000;
String projectName = "Spring for Apache Kafka";
String projectDescription = "The project brings familiar Spring "
+ " abstractions to Apache Kafka.";
String myContribution = "I've had the opportunity to contribute the "
+ NonBlockingDelayedRetries.class + " feature.";
Integer linesOfCodeAndDocsCommited = 20_000;
@see Spring Kafka Documentation for the Non-Blocking Retries feature π
I've worked closely with the project's team on this feature, interacting with users on Github Issues
and Stack Overflow
, reviewing feature-related PRs, adding new functionalities, and so on.

String projectNameOne = "Apache Pulsar Messaging Framework";
String projectNameTwo = "Parallel Kafka Consumer Messaging Framework";
String projectDescription = "The projects aim to simplify integrating with Apache Pulsar "
+ "and Parallel Kafka Consumer"
The SQS integration I created for the Spring Cloud AWS SQS
project is actually a meta-messaging-framework, and I've created the Apache Pulsar Messaging Framework
and Parallel Kafka Consumer Messaging Framework
projects out of it.
Those are powerful, high-throughput solutions, non-blocking solutions.
These projects have zero dependencies to AWS SDK
, and have approximately 35
and 15
classes respectively.
String projectName = "Personal project for Spring Cloud AWS SQS load tests";
String projectDescription = "Project to perform simple load tests "
+ "with the SQS Integration on AWS ECS.";
String projectInfrastructure = "This app features " + Terraform.class
+ " and " + GitHubActions.class + " CI / CD pipeline for deployment on ECS.";
Results so far with a single ECS instance and up to 1M messages show up to:
* **17K** messages / second with 4 vcpu and 8 GB memory
* **8K** messages / second with 2 vcpu and 4GB memory
* **4K** messages / second with 1 vcpu and 2GB memory
Check the app repo out and perform some tests of your own!
String projectName = "StackOverflow";
String myContribution = "I've been answering questions about the "
+ NonBlockingDelayedRetries.class + " feature and general distributed ";
+ "systems questions around Kafka and Spring Kafka.";
Integer reputation = 2_000;